Updating from Pega Sales Automation 7.22
After an update to the current version of Pega Sales Automation, perform the following post-update tasks if you are updating from Pega Sales Automation 7.22.
Pega CRM 8.7 Feature Adoption for Pega Cloud
- Complete the update procedures described in Updating from Pega Sales Automation 7.31.
- Tasks and activities do not get explicit access configurations from operator access definitions. Instead, they derive access based on access to related entities. For example, if an operator has read access on a parent entity, such as an account, the operator gets read access to all activities and tasks associated with that account.
- The Operator access screen no longer displays the option to configure territory-based access for tasks. You can set the .DeriveTaskPermissions flag to false in the crmAppExt data transform rule to continue to display the territory access configurations on the Operator access screen. Review and adjust the PegaCRM-Work-Task.crmHasReadSecurity when rule and the PegaCRM-Work-Task.crmHasUpdateSecurity when rule for your implementation.
- When you cancel assignments, optional processes in Pega Sales Automation 7.31 no longer call tickets to end flows. Clicking Cancel on an assignment deletes the assignment and removes the flow from history (crmCancelFlowAction). For backward compatibility, activities from earlier releases are marked as deprecated and are retained in the code base.
- The pySFASkin rule is deprecated in Pega Sales Automation 7.31 and is replaced by the SAEndUser skin rule that inherits from the pyEndUser skin rule in UIKIT-10. The pySFASkin formats that were disabled or removed from SAEndUser are listed in the Pega Customer Service and Pega Sales Automation 7.31 Upgrade Guide.
- The lead conversion process is modified in Pega Sales Automation 7.31. Flows, flow actions, and activities from prior releases have been deprecated, but they are retained in the code base for backward compatibility. The deprecated rules and the appropriate replacements are listed in the Pega Customer Service and Pega Sales Automation 7.31 Upgrade Guide.
Previous topic Migrating data from Pega Sales Automation 7.31 and earlier