Reinstating data into the CPMFS_NOTES table from the backup
If you updated from a 7.4 version or earlier and you backed up the CPMFS_NOTES table before beginning the update, you must reinstate the data into the CPMFS_NOTES table from the backup.
Pega CRM for Financial Services
8.7 Feature Adoption for Pega Cloud
If the CifNbr column in the CPMFS_Notes table is NULL, populate it with valid data
to indicate the customer identification number or simply delete the rows where the
CifNbr column is NULL, if it is acceptable for the customer to lose data in those rows.
This task is required as a result of a change in the primary key for the CPMFS_Notes
table from id to
id,createdatetime,cifnbr in version 7.4.
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