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Installing the application

Updated on January 18, 2022

To install Pega CRM for Healthcare, complete the procedures in this section.

Pega CRM for Healthcare Installation Guide Pega CRM for Healthcare Installation Guide Pega CRM for Healthcare Installation Guide Pega CRM for Healthcare Installation Guide
Before you begin: Complete the prerequisites for this installation.

If you are using Pega Customer Decision Hub with Pega Sales Automation for Healthcare or Pega Customer Service for Healthcare, or both, follow the procedures in the Pega Customer Decision Hub Installation Guide and see "Configuring your Pega applications to support CRM" in the Pega Customer Decision Hub Implementation Guide. Both guides are available on the documentation page.

Importing the application file

The system data and rulesets for Pega CRM for Healthcare are loaded during this task.

  1. Log in to Pega Platform (https://<hostname>:<port>/prweb) by entering the administrator ID, for example, [email protected] and the password that you used during Pega Platform installation.
  2. In the header of Dev Studio, click ConfigureApplicationDistributionImport.
  3. Select the Rules\PegaCRMHC.jar file from your distribution media, and then follow the wizard instructions.
  4. If you are using Pega Sales Automation for Healthcare, import the CensusTools.jar file. Otherwise, skip this step.
    1. In the header of Dev Studio, click Configure ApplicationDistributionImport.
    2. Browse for and select the ResourceKit\CensusTools.jar file.
    3. Click Next to import the JAR file that contains rules and other objects.
  5. When the import is complete, click Done.
  6. Apply the required hotfixes by using Hotfix Manager. For more information about applying hotfixes, see Applying the latest on-premises patch.
  7. Optional: Verify the application rules.
    1. In the navigation pane of Dev Studio, click RecordsApplication DefinitionApplication.
    2. Confirm that the following application rule or rules are displayed in the list:
      • CSHC 8.7
      • CSHC 8
      • PegaHCSPM 8
  8. Required if you installed Pega CRM for Healthcare 8.7 on DB2: Install HFIX-83338 by going to My Support Portal Frequently Asked Questions and following the steps to request an existing hotfix.
  9. Required if you installed Pega CRM for Healthcare 8.7 on DB2, and installed HFIX-83338 in the previous step: Follow these steps to reverse the changes that you previously made in the database:

Optional: Importing the sample data

The Pega CRM for Healthcare distribution media includes sample data to help you explore the application capabilities. The sample data includes disabled sample operators that you can enable to learn about the workspaces for each operator role. Importing the sample data is optional, and the sample data that is provided might not align with your business needs.

Note: The sample application and rulesets are installed when you install the application, but you import the sample data separately.
Before you begin:

Ensure that you have already imported the Pega CRM for Healthcare application file. For more information, see Importing the application file.

  1. In the header of Dev Studio, click ConfigureApplicationDistributionImport.
  2. Browse to select the file or files to import. Import the following file or files, in the sequence shown.
    • SampleDB\CSHCSample.jar
    • SampleDB\CSHCKMSample.jar
    • SampleDB\SAHCSampleApp.jar
    • SampleDB\SAHCSampleData.jar
  3. Follow the wizard instructions to import the sample data.
What to do next:

Enable the sample operators that you will use to explore the different workspaces. For more information, see Optional: Enabling sample operator accounts.

Optional: Enabling sample operator accounts

If you imported the sample data, operators are included that allow you to access the sample data. For security purposes, sample operators are disabled by default.

Before you begin: Ensure that you have already imported the sample data that contains the sample operators.

To enable the sample operators, complete the following steps.

  1. In the header of Dev Studio, click ConfigureOrg & SecurityAuthenticationOperator Access.
  2. In the Disabled operators section, select the check box next to the operator ID to enable.
  3. Click Enable selected.
    The Enable Operator dialog is displayed.
  4. Click Submit to confirm that you want to enable the selected operator ID.

    The application assigns a randomly generated one-time password to each operator that you enabled, and it displays the operators and passwords in the dialog box as shown in the following example:

    List of one-time passwords
    List of one-time passwords for the enabled operators
  5. Write down the passwords so that you can log in as that operator.
  6. Click OK to close the dialog box.
What to do next: Log in as the sample operator, and change your password.
  • Previous topic Backing up your system
  • Next topic Optional: Adding the PegaCSHC-Cases-CME ruleset for DX API customizations

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