Adopting multilevel decisioning in Pega Customer Decision Hub for Financial Services
Define the following artifacts, and then update the Context Dictionary to use the Pega Customer Decision Hub multilevel decisioning feature in Pega Customer Decision Hub for Financial Services.
For more information, see Understanding multi-level decisioning and the Context Dictionary.
- Create the AccountID property.For more information, see Properties.
- Create a new MyCo-Data-Accounts class
that inherits from the
PegaMarketingFS-Data-Customer-Accounts class, in which
MyCo is the name of your organization.For more information, see Creating classes.
- On the Database tab of the
MyCo-Data-Accounts class, edit the
MyCo-Data-Accounts database table rule:
- In the Database field, enter ExternalMKTData
- In the Table name field, enter pmfs_acct
For more information, see Database tables. - Create the Customer accounts property in the
MyCo-Data-Customer class.For more information, see Properties.
- On the General tab of the Customer accounts property, in the Page definition field, enter MyCo-Data-Accounts.
- Create a Customer Accounts association rule between the
customer class and the accounts class.For more information, see Creating simple associations between classes.
- On the Data Access tab of the Customer
Accounts association rule, define the association, as shown in
the following figure:
- In the Class name field, enter MyCo-Data-Accounts.
- In the Prefix field, enter CustomerAccounts.
- In the Class name field, enter MyCo-Data-Accounts.
- Click Edit conditions.
- In the Enter filter conditions dialog box, define the
filter conditions for the Customer Accounts association
- In the Column list, select .CustomerID.
- In the Value list, select CustomerAccounts.CustomerID.
- Click Submit.
- In the Class join section, in the Type drop-down list, select Include all rows in Customer.
- Click Save as.
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