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Setting the context for your customer class

Updated on October 19, 2020

Use the Context Dictionary to review or update the default contexts, configure a different primary context, or add an additional customer context.

The Context Dictionary identifies the customer entities, the relationships between these entities, and any associated data to be used by Pega Customer Decision Hub for Financial Services. By default, the primary context is Customer, mapped to the <your organization name>-Data-Customer class, and the prospect context is Prospect, mapped to the <your organization name>-Data-Customer-Prospect class.
  1. In the App Studio navigation panel, click SettingsContext Dictionary.
  2. Review the primary context.
    1. Click the Configure icon by the name of a context.
    2. Review the available properties.
    3. If you defined a new extended customer class, select it in the Class field.
    4. Review the associated data. If you defined additional associated data for your base customer class, click + Add associated data to enable it.
  3. Optional: To add a new customer context, click Add context and specify the name, customer class, and optional exclusion list. If you defined additional associated data for your new customer class, click + Add associated data to enable it.
    You can use additional customer context to build segments and launch campaigns. Using multiple data contexts allows you to better target your customer engagement efforts at multiple levels.
  4. Optional: To set your new customer context as the primary Context, click Change primary and select the context in the Select Primary Context dialog box.
    Caution: Changing the primary context affects Segments and Campaigns which use it. If you have already defined any Segments or Campaigns, recreate them manually after changing the primary context to ensure that they continue working.
  5. Optional: Click the Configure icon by the name of the prospect context. If you defined a new extended prospect class, select it in the Class field.
    For more information about the prospect class, see Configuring the prospect class.
  6. Optional: Change the context storage in the Context storage section.
    By default, the data resides in a relational database supported by Pega Platform in the form of a database table. If you plan to use segmentation, all data must be synchronized between the decision datastore and relational tables.
    For more information, see the Application Data Model Guide on the Pega Customer Decision Hub for Financial Services product page.
  7. Click Save.
  • Previous topic Adding associated customer entities
  • Next topic Extending and updating the CustomerSearchResultGrid section

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