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Getting ready for the initial deployment

Updated on August 3, 2022

When you first deploy your applications from Development to higher environments, you must create a Product rule that includes the overlay application, the Pega 1:1 Operations Manager extension application, and the Pega Customer Decision Hub implementation application.

  1. Create the Product rule for initial deployment.
    Keep the following considerations in mind:
    • Your Customer Decision Hub implementation application that is being migrated should be built on the Deployment Manager application.
    • Operator records and relevant records associated to your implementation rulesets will be included as data instances in the product.
    • Do not force-include work objects. This includes campaign instances, the next-best-action schedule, change requests, simulation work objects, and others.
    • If the Product rule includes open ruleset to get migrated, select Allow unlocked ruleset versions when creating the Product rule.
    • Preview the Product rule before creating the RAP file. Verify there are no test rules included.
    • Include the Next-Best-Action Designer rules in the Overlay application so that these rules can be managed from the BOE instance.
    For example: In the following figure, the UPlusBank application is the implementation application of Customer Decision Hub.
    BizChanges is the overlay application, UplusOps is the implementation application of 1:1 Operations Manager, and FinancialServicesxCARDatamodel is the data model included in the Customer Decision Hub implementation application.
  2. Ensure that all rules are checked in.
  3. Ensure that your Product rule contains all the required rulesets and any data instances.
  4. In the Development environment, do the following steps:
    1. Ensure that the Customer Decision Hub implementation application and the 1:1 Operations Manager extension application have the PegaDevOpsFoundation version 5 or higher as the built-on application.
    1. Ensure that DMreleaseadmin_OAuth2 contains the latest generated secret key and access/revoke tokens.
    For more information, see Setting up candidate environments.
  5. In the Sandbox, BOE, and Production environments, do the following steps:
    1. After setting up the instances with the latest Pega Platform and Customer Decision Hub build, ensure that the repository is configured.
    2. Ensure that the Authentication profiles have the latest generated secret keys and access/revoke tokens.
    For more information, see Setting up candidate environments.
  6. Set up an orchestrator to manage the deployment of changes through the change pipelines.
    Note: In Pega Cloud Services deployments, the default orchestrator is Deployment Manager. For more information, see Setting up the orchestrator.
    Keep the following considerations in mind:
    • Create the Deployment pipeline with the overlay application, and set the access group to the Revision Manager access group for the overlay application.
    • Configure the pipeline with the Development, Staging and Production environments.
    • Use the Product file created in the Development environment for first-time deployment.
    • After you click Start deployment, override any aged updates and continue.
    • After successful deployment, disable the first-time deployment pipeline.
    For more information, see Setting up repositories and Quick-start guide for Deployment Manager on Pega Cloud Services.

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