Configuring the retention period for exported decisions through a DSS
Define how long you want to store exported decisions in your file repository. By default, the system keeps exported decisions for 180 days. A cleanup activity removes files that are older than the retention period.
The retention period for exported decisions also determines the time frame of decisions that you can load in the Customer Profile Viewer. If you keep the default retention period of 180 days, the Customer Profile Viewer displays the decisions from the last 180 days. If you change the retention period, for example to 60 days, the time frame of decisions that you can view in the Customer Profile Viewer changes accordingly, to 60 days.
- In the header of Dev Studio, click .
- Enter a short description.
- In the Setting purpose field, enter decision/decision_files/days_to_keep_data.
- In the Owning Ruleset field, enter Pega-DecisionEngine.
- Click Create and open.
- In the Value field, enter the number of days to store decisions data.
- Click Save.
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