Error and Warning Handling
The Next-Best-Action Designer displays errors and warnings resulting from each scheduled and real-time paid run. Errors and warnings are displayed chronologically for the Next-Best-Action hierarchy level and paid destination on which they occurred.
If multiple errors are generated for the same destination, they are added to the existing work object. Paid Media Manager maintains a history of errors and warnings, as well as information about the number of records affected.
Errors that occur during Segment-based runs are logged as work objects of the type PegaMKT-Work-PaidSync. The paid sync errors are displayed in the Paid Sync tab of the Segment for which they were recorded.
If an error occurs, confirm that your account in the integrated platform is properly configured and activated, then resolve the error work object before triggering another paid run.
Errors displayed in the Next-Best-Action Designer come directly from the integrated external system. If you cannot resolve the problem yourself, contact the product team for your advertising platform.
To generate Paid Notification work objects, update the following Data transform rules:
Data-Party-Operator – MarketingAdministrator
Data-Party-Operator – MarketingAnalyst
For both rules, set the property pyWorkPartyUri to the operator ID used by your administrator and analyst.
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