Paid Media Manager Configuration Settings
Tune the configuration of Paid Audience updates by adjusting the following settings:
PaidMediaCustomerEventsForAPeriod event strategy - This event strategy accumulates events for a given individual for a given period of time. The default time is 5 minutes. Adjust this value if you want the updates to happen more or less frequently. Less frequent but larger API calls will raise the memory consumption.
PaidMediaEventsByVolume event strategy - This event strategy accumulated all the events (that is, Real-time container and Real-time event requests) initiated for a particular time period and group them together to make batch API calls to networks such as Google or Facebook. The default value is set to 1 hour. Adjust this value based on the frequency of events.
paidmedia/allNBAAudience/TimeToLive dynamic system setting - This setting defines how long the system stores a record in the All customers audience. Individuals who are not targeted for more than the number of days specified in this setting are removed from the audience and are available for anonymously targeted campaigns on Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, and Adobe Audience Manager. The default is 1 day. Raise this value to keep records in the All customers audience for a longer time.
- paidmedia/ResponseWaitingTime dynamic system setting - This setting defines the timeout period for actions in paid channels. If an individual does not respond to an action within the specified time period, the system automatically records a negative response. The default timeout period is 604800 seconds (1 week).
- paidmedia/syncService/requestBatchSize dynamic system setting - This setting defines the number of records which Paid Media Manager batched within a Paid Media Sync queue item, before it prepares an API call to supported networks such as Google or Facebook. The default number of records is 10000. The more records there are in a queue item, the less API calls there will be. Adjust this value depending on the memory capacity available in the cluster.
Optional: Modify any of the following dynamic system settings for Adobe Audience Manager. For more information, contact your Adobe Audience Manager implementation team.
paidmedia/adobe/api/authserver/url - This setting specifies the Auth Server URL for Adobe Audience Manager. By default, the URL is set to
paidmedia/adobe/api/resourceserver/url - This setting specifies the Resource Server Base URL for Adobe Audience Manager. By default, the URL is set to
paidmedia/adobe/traitsegment/toplevel/folder/name - This setting defines the name of the top level segment and trait folder created under the parent folder in Adobe Audience Manager. The default name of this folder is Paid Audiences.
paidmedia/adobe/file/push/maxfilesizeinbytes - The maximum size in bytes of synchronization files sent to Adobe Audience Manager. The default file size in bytes is 1000000000.
paidmedia/adobe/file/push/retrycount - The number of times Paid Media Manager automatically tries to resend the synchronization file to Adobe Audience Manager in case of any synchronization problems. The default number of tries is 3.
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