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Pega Customer Decision Hub Dynamic System Settings

Updated on August 4, 2022

Pega Customer Decision Hub uses Dynamic System Settings to manage various configurable items. Most of these settings are owned by the PegaMKT-Engine and PegaMKT-Install rulesets. In addition, some settings are owned by the PegaMKT-Install, PegaMKT-Portal, and PegaMKT-PushNotification rulesets. Administrators can edit these settings to modify the behavior of various elements.

Pega Customer Decision Hub

The following tables contain descriptions of these settings, divided according to the setting purpose. The tables contains the setting name, ruleset, and description.


Dynamic System Settings in the PegaMKT-Install ruleset are typically set during application installation or setup. They are listed here for reference only.

Setting nameOwning rulesetDescription
MKTBuildIDPegaMKT-InstallThe build from which this instance of Pega Customer Decision Hub was created.
MTKCurrentVersionPegaMKT-InstallThe ruleset version which you currently have installed.
MKTApplicationLabelPegaMKT-InstallThe application label visible in the portals.
MKTApplicationNamePegaMKT-InstallThe application name.
MKTOrgNamePegaMKT-InstallThe organization name.
MKTOrgLabelPegaMKT-InstallAn optional short description for the organization.
MKTAdminUserEmailPegaMKT-InstallThe email of the admin user.
MKTAdminUserNamePegaMKT-InstallThe name of the admin user.
MKTAdminUserIdPegaMKT-InstallThe ID of the admin user.
MKTTestOpsPasswordPegaMKT-InstallPassword for the test user.
MKTUnitLabelPegaMKT-InstallAn optional short description for the unit.
MKTDivLabelPegaMKT-InstallAn optional short description for the division.
MKTDivNamePegaMKT-InstallThe division name.
MKTUnitNamePegaMKT-InstallThe unit name.
MKTWorkGroupManagerPegaMKT-InstallThe ID of the work group manager.
MKTBuiltOnAppPegaMKT-InstallThe application on which your application is built.
MKTDescriptionPegaMKT-InstallThe application description.


Setting nameOwning rulesetDescription
MKTStagingUpgrade0802PegaMKT-EngineUsed in the OutboundMaster agent in ProcessOutboundStaging to determine whether the seamless upgrade for outbound staging has successfully happened.
UpgradeSuccessfulPegaMKT-EngineInitially set to false when installed. Successful run of upgrade scripts will set this to true.

CRM implementation

Setting nameOwning rulesetDescription
ConnectMKTURLPegaMKT-IntegrationFor implementations of the Pega CRM suite, this is the URL where Pega Customer Decision Hub is deployed. Configure this setting on a remote Event Strategy Manager environment when integrating with events. For more information, see Responding to real-time customer engagement with real-time event triggers.

Basic configuration

Setting nameOwning rulesetDescription
MarketingOperationsPegaMKT-EngineIf set to true, the Approval action is available for campaigns. The default value of this setting is true.

Adaptive learning

Setting nameOwning rulesetDescription
ADMShortTimeoutForDelayedLearningPegaMKT-EngineDuration in seconds to store results for adaptive learning. This setting is used for Real-Time Container scenarios. The default value of this setting is 86400 (1 day).
ADMTimeoutForDelayedLearningPegaMKT-EngineDuration in seconds to store results for adaptive learning. The default value of this setting is 2592000 (30 days).
MKTOptimizationModelThresholdPegaMKT-EngineThreshold by which an adaptive model's performance is compared for a self-optimizing campaign. If the model's performance is below this threshold, offer assignment will be handled randomly. Otherwise, the model will be utilized alongside random assignment. The default value of this setting is 0.65.
decision/adm/modelExecutions/formatPega-DecisionEngineDetermines the common inputs in pxDecisionResults to store predictor data. Set to single-level-v1 by default, can be updated to multi-level-v1 when multiple common inputs are needed in a multi-level decision structure.

Campaign data flow

Setting nameOwning rulesetDescription
MKTDDFProgressNewTimeoutPegaMKT-EngineTimeout duration in seconds used internally to determine if data flow execution is stuck in the New state, that is, if execution did not start correctly. The default value of this setting is 60.
MKTDDFProgressRefreshIntervalPegaMKT-EngineRefresh duration in seconds used internally to monitoring the progress of campaign execution data flows. The default value of this setting is 30.
MKTDDFProgressRefreshTimeoutPegaMKT-EngineTimeout duration in seconds used internally to determine if data flow execution is stuck while processing a batch of records. The default value of this setting is 600 (10 minutes).
MKTDFRetryIntervalPegaMKT-EngineRetry duration in minutes used internally to wait before checking data flow availability again if there is no room for more concurrent data flow runs. The default value of this setting is 30.
MKTDFNumRetriesPegaMKT-EngineMaximum number of times a campaign run will attempt to execute its data flow before the run fails. The default value of this setting is 5.
MKTMaxAllowedBatchDFsPegaMKT-EngineNumber of data flows which can run on batch-type nodes at the same time. The default value of this setting is 10.


Setting nameOwning rulesetDescription
IsReceiptDecodingRequiredPegaMKT-EngineSpecify whether SMS delivery receipts decoding is required when connecting to an SMSC. The default value of this setting is false.
MKTChannelQueueStatsFormatPegaMKT-EngineConfigure the format of the log created by the MonitorChannelQueue agent.
MKTEmailPartitionCountPegaMKT-EngineNumber of email table partitions. The default value of this setting is 99.
MKTOutboundEmailMaxBatchSizePegaMKT-EngineMaximum number of emails sent in one batch. The default value of this setting is 1000.
MKTOutboundEmailMinBatchSizePegaMKT-EngineMinimum number of emails sent in one batch. The default value of this setting is 250.
MKTOutboundSMSMaxBatchSizePegaMKT-EngineMaximum number of SMS messages sent in one batch. The default value of this setting is 1000.
MKTOutboundSMSMinBatchSizePegaMKT-EngineMinimum number of SMS messages sent in one batch. The default value of this setting is 250.
MKTPushPartitionCountPegaMKT-EngineNumber of Push Notification table partitions. The default value of this setting is 5.
MKTSMSPartitionCountPegaMKT-EngineNumber of SMS table partitions. The default value of this setting is 10.
MaxSMSResponseDeliveryReceiptPartitionPegaMKT-EngineMaximum value for PartitionKey in the SMS Response Delivery Receipt table. The default value of this setting is 20.
SMSFailMaxNumberOfRetriesPegaMKT-EngineMaximum number of times the SMS message should be re-sent if it fails. The default value of this setting is 3.
NumberOfPartitionsPegaMKT-EngineNumber of buckets used internally to divide Push Notification processing items. Each bucket can be picked up individually by a node where the Push Notification Processor agent is running. The default value of this setting is 5.
RequestorBatchSizePegaMKT-EngineNumber of Push Notification items to process at a time. The Push Notification Processor agent retrieves items until this size is met (or all items have been retrieved) before processing them. The default value of this setting is 1000.


Setting nameOwning rulesetDescription
MKTEnableCustomerLookupPegaMKT-EngineToggle the loading of customer data during container execution. The default value of this setting is true.
MKTEnableCustomerValidationPegaMKT-EngineToggle validating if a customer exists in the database during container execution. The default value of this setting is false.
MKTEnableIdentityMatchingPegaMKT-EngineToggle customer identity matching for container services. The default value of this setting is true.

Content repository

Setting nameOwning rulesetDescription
MarketingImageAssets/AllowedFileSizePegaMKT-EngineSize limit in KB for the digital assets uploaded to the image library. The default value of this setting is 100.
MarketingImageAssets/BaseURLPegaMKT-EngineURL of the Content Delivery Network for digital assets. If you leave this setting blank, the images will be rendered directly from the Pega Web Service.
MarketingImageAssets/CustomBaseURLPegaMKT-EngineURL of the Content Delivery Network which you configured for digital assets. This setting overwrites the value of the setting MarketingImageAssets/BaseURL.
MarketingImageAssets/CustomRepositoryNamePegaMKT-EngineName of the repository rule which points to your S3 repository. This setting overwrites the value of the setting MarketingImageAssets/DefaultRepositoryName.
MarketingImageAssets/DefaultRepositoryNamePegaMKT-EngineName of the default repository rule. The default value of this setting is pegacloudfilestorage.
MarketingImageAssets/FolderPegaMKT-EngineName of the folder where Pega Customer Decision Hub will store the image assets. This folder will be located inside the root folder defined in the repository rule. If you do not define a folder for the images, they will be stored directly in the repository root folder. The default value of this setting is pegamarketing/imagelibrary.
MarketingImageAssets/IsRepositoryStorageEnabledPegaMKT-EngineSet to true if you want Pega Customer Decision Hub to use repository storage for your image library. The default value of this setting is false.


Setting nameOwning rulesetDescription
microsite/URLPegaMKT-EngineURL which the Microsite gadget uses when connecting to Pega Customer Decision Hub. The URL should point to an IAC servlet on the public node. The URL format is http://<hostname>:<port>/prweb/IAC.
microsite/applicationnamePegaMKT-EngineApplication name which the Microsite gadget uses when connecting to Pega Customer Decision Hub. By default, it is the name of the application associated with the access group on the PegaMKTMicrosite service package.
microsite/systemidPegaMKT-EngineSystem ID which the Microsite gadget uses when connecting to Pega Customer Decision Hub. By default, it is the system ID defined on the system which the URLs point to.
microsite/defaultclassPegaMKT-EngineIf the Site parameter of the Microsite URL is not defined, this setting purpose is used instead. The default value of this setting is PegaMKT-Work-Microsite_NOSITENAMESPECIFIED_.
microsite/parameters/useridentifierPegaMKT-EngineThe user which the Microsite gadget uses to authenticate itself with Pega Customer Decision Hub.
microsite/parameters/skinnamePegaMKT-EngineName of the skin used by the Microsite.

Paid Media Manager

Setting nameOwning rulesetDescription
paidmedia/syncService/GoogleAdsAudienceAsyncJobFailTimePegaMKT-EngineTime in hours for Google Audience sync jobs. If this is not set, the default value of this setting is 6 hours.
paidmedia/syncService/GoogleAdsConversionAsyncJobFailTimePegaMKT-EngineTime in hours for Google Conversion sync jobs. If this is not set, the default value of this setting is 48 hours.
paidmedia/ResponseWaitingTimePegaMKT-EngineTimeout period in seconds for offers in paid channels. If an individual does not respond to an offer within the specified time period, the system automatically records a negative response. The default value of this setting is 604800 (1 week).
paidmedia/adobe/api/authserver/urlPegaMKT-EngineAuth Server URL for Adobe Audience Manager. The default value of this setting is
paidmedia/adobe/api/resourceserver/urlPegaMKT-EngineResource Server Base URL for Adobe Audience Manager. The default value of this setting is
paidmedia/adobe/traitsegment/toplevel/folder/namePegaMKT-EngineName of the top level segment and trait folder created under the parent folder in Adobe Audience Manager. The default value of this setting is Paid Audiences.
paidmedia/adobe/file/push/maxfilesizeinbytesPegaMKT-EngineMaximum size in bytes of synchronization files sent to Adobe Audience Manager. The default value of this setting is 1000000000.
paidmedia/adobe/file/push/retrycountPegaMKT-EngineNumber of times Paid Media Manager automatically tries to resend the synchronization file to Adobe Audience Manager in case of any synchronization problems. The default value of this setting is 3.
paidmedia/adobe/file/directory/basePegaMKT-EngineBase directory where the Adobe Audience Manager file would be pushed by the data flow run.
paidmedia/adobe/file/push/dir/cleanup/staletimeinmsPegaMKT-EngineTime in milliseconds during which the files are kept in the Adobe Audience Manager file directory. The default value of this setting is 691200000.
paidmedia/allNBAAudience/TimeToLivePegaMKT-EngineDefines how long the system stores a record in the All customers audience. Individuals who are not targeted for more than the number of days specified in this setting are removed from the audience and are available for anonymously targeted campaigns on Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, and Adobe Audience Manager. The default value of this setting is 1.
paidmedia/linkedin/WaitTimeInMillisPegaMKT-EngineLinkedIn wait time in milliseconds. The default value of this setting is 60000.
paidmedia/linkedin/api/resourceserver/urlPegaMKT-EngineLinkedIn API resource server endpoint. The default value of this setting is
paidmedia/syncService/requestBatchSizePegaMKT-EngineDefines the number of records which Paid Media Manager batched within a Paid Media Sync queue item, before it prepares an API call to supported networks such as Google or Facebook. The default number of records is 10000. The more records there are in a queue item, the less API calls there will be. Adjust this value depending on the memory capacity available in the cluster.


Setting nameOwning rulesetDescription
MKTSegCriteriaInsertRequestorCountPegaMKT-EngineTotal number of child requestors that are used during the segment runtime. The default value of this setting is 1.
MKTSegCriteriaQueryTimeoutPegaMKT-EngineTime in seconds for an insert operation to the Criteria query for segment runtime. The default value of this setting is 1200 (20 minutes).
MKTSegDeleteRepopulateQueryTimeoutPegaMKT-EngineMeant for the ‘DELETE’ portion of query in segments. Different timeouts values are use to have a better control for customers. The default value of this setting is 1200 (20 minutes).
MKTSegDisplayPreAggregateCountsPegaMKT-EngineUsed by segment In List criteria to determine if a second column should be displayed with counts for each distinct value. The default value of this setting is true.
MKTSegGroupByBothColumnsPegaMKT-EngineEnables grouping by both keys for aggregate segment criteria. The default value of this setting is true.
MKTSegIgnoreCaseDefaultSettingPegaMKT-EngineDefault value for the Ignore Case setting for String segment criteria. If true, the Ignore Case check box is selected by default. The default value of this setting is false.
MKTSegOracleDeleteHintPegaMKT-EngineUsed to specify the DELETE hint used during segment runtime for Oracle DELETE statements.
MKTSegOracleInsertHintPegaMKT-EngineUsed to specify the INSERT hint used during segment runtime for Oracle INSERT statements.
MKTSegOracleSelectHintPegaMKT-EngineUsed to specify the SELECT hint used during segment runtime for Oracle SELECT statements.
MKTSegPartitionCountPegaMKT-EngineNumber of segment table partitions. The default value of this setting is 99.
MKTSegRevalidateCustomersPegaMKT-EngineSpecify whether or not segment groups should be validated against the customer table using an INTERSECT statement. Validating segment groups ensures that all customers in a segment still have a valid ID in the customer table, but may result in a longer segment runtime. The default value of this setting is false.
MKTSegmentRefreshIntervalPegaMKT-EngineRefresh duration in seconds used internally for monitoring the progress of segment execution data flows. The default value of this setting is 10.
ProspectListImportRetriesPegaMKT-EngineMaximum number of times the prospect import should run if it fails. The default value of this setting is 15.

Other configuration

Setting nameOwning rulesetDescription
HelpURI/MarketingHelpPegaMKT-EngineURL where the MarketingHelp WAR file is deployed.
MKTConstraintAsGroupPegaMKT-EngineSpecify if a customer constraint should be applied to your whole application. The default value of this setting is false.
MKTDefaultTemplateTextLengthPegaMKT-EngineDefault size of text columns created in Database Template tables. This value is only used for those properties which do not have maximum length specified. For individual cases, it is recommended to set the maximum length on the property rule rather than update this setting. The default value of this setting is 200.
MKTDefaultThreadCountPegaMKT-EngineThe default thread count used for multi-requestor processing on a node where the topology has not been configured. The default value of this setting is 2.
MKTDeliveryMatchingMaximumTimeToLivePegaMKT-EngineDuration in seconds for an unmatched offer or batch table to delivery. The default value of this setting is 300.
MKTDistinctValuesMaxResultsPegaMKT-EngineMaximum number of distinct values to retrieve. The default value of this setting is 500.
MKTFileDelimiterPegaMKT-EngineCharacter or characters used by file templates as delimiter. The default value of this setting is , (comma).
MKTFunnelAnalysisReportsDefaultPegaMKT-EngineDefault value of the Create funnel analysis reports setting for campaign distribution tests. If true, the Create funnel analysis reports check box is selected by default when starting a campaign distribution test. The default value of this setting is true.
MappingLicenseKeyPegaMKT-EngineLicense key required for premium GeofenceMap capabilities.
StrategiesRequireReindexPegaMKT-EngineFlag to determine whether strategy rules which are shipped in PegaMKT-Engine should be re-indexed. Typically used by the PegaMKTStartupAgent to check whether missing index records require re-generation. The default value of this setting is false.
WaitAgentReQueueTimePegaMKT-EngineDuration in seconds used internally to re-queue wait agent processing if a campaign run table still has records that are in a pending state. The default value of this setting is 600 (10 minutes).
database/databases/ExternalMKTData/dataSourcePegaMKT-EngineName of the JNDI datasource, used when ExternalMKTData database rule is set to Use preferences mode.
MaxRecentsCountPegaMKT-PortalNumber of items to show in the Recents pane in the portal. The default value of this setting is 10.
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