Adding custom attributes to treatment form
You can add custom attributes to treatment form to describe additional characteristics of the treatment.
Pega Customer Decision Hub
- Log in to Pega Customer Decision Hub portal.
- Add new custom property to the Next-Best-Action Designer Taxonomy.
- Update the Treatment decision data rule (DDR):
- Click .
- Click Manage treatments.
- On the treatment rule form, click the Form tab.
- In the Form fields section, review the list of
properties which are available as fields on the treatment form.
- To add a field, click the Add field button.
- To remove a field, click the Remove property icon.
- Switch to Dev Studio.
- Add the property to the Treatment section:
- Search and open the custom extension section corresponding to the channel of the treatment to which you want to add the custom properties to. The name of custom extension section is of the format Custom<Channel>TreatmentElement, for example CustomWebTreatmentElement.
- Save the section into your implementation ruleset by clicking Save as.
- On the Design tab of the new section, add the property that you created.
- Update the <Web/Mobile/Assisted/Other>TreatmentStrategy
or <Email/SMS/Push>TreatmentStrategy:
- Search for and open the <Web/Mobile/Assisted/Other>TreatmentStrategy, <Email/SMS/Push>TreatmentStrategy.
- Save the strategy into your implementation ruleset.
- In the Top Level SR class field, select the strategy result.
- On the Strategy tab, open the <Channel> Treatment Library component.
- In the Decision data > Import section, clear the
Decision Data field, and then re-select the
<Channel>Treatments decision data
This updates the value of the Results in class field to your top-level SR class, for example, <Application>-SR class.
- On the Mapping tab of the component, click Remap properties, and then click Submit.
- Open the Join Treatment Library component.
- On the Properties mapping tab of the component,
click Add item to add the property that you
created, and then click Submit
- Configure the custom property in the real-time container response. Follow step 2 onwards as described in Setting the custom property in a real-time container response.
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