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Configuring agent-assisted treatments

Updated on August 4, 2022

An agent-assisted treatment represents the message which you want a call center agent or retail assistant to communicate to your customer during an interaction such as a call center call or an in-person visit to a brick and mortar retail store.

Pega Customer Decision Hub
  1. Optional: If the default list of fields available on the other treatment form does not contain a property which you require, edit the AssistTreatments Decision Data rule used by the treatments.
    For more information, see Managing Decision Data rules in Pega Customer Decision Hub. Any new properties you add to the form are automatically available for all previously created treatments.
  2. On the Treatments landing page, click CreateAgent assisted.
  3. Enter a unique name and a description for the treatment.
  4. Specify when the treatment is active.
    • Always
    • Never
    • Within a defined time period
  5. In the Eligibility section, select the eligibility condition that you want to apply to this treatment.
    For more information, see Eligibility conditions for treatments.
  6. Optional: In the Relevant description field, enter a short description.
    If you leave the field blank, the Relevant description field will be populated with the description of the action with which you associate the treatment.
  7. In the Content URL field, provide a link to an image or HTML fragment to display for this treatment. For example, this can be the URL of an image hosted in a content repository.
    Result: After you populate the Content URL field, a preview of the content is displayed on the bottom of the page. For image content, the Dimensions field shows the image dimensions in pixels.
  8. In the Format field, specify whether the treatment content is a plain image or an HTML fragment.
  9. Optional: In the Benefits field, enter a description of the benefits associated with the action.
    If you leave the field blank, the Benefits field will be populated with the benefits specified for the action with which you associate the treatment.
  10. In the Eligibility description field, enter a description of the cicumstances under which the action is relevant for a customer.
    If you leave the field blank, the Eligibility description field will be populated with the eligibility description specified for the action with which you associate the treatment.
  11. In the Treatment type field, specify the agent-assisted channel to which the treatment applies.
  12. In the Language field, specify the language of the treatment.
  13. Click Create.
Result: The Treatment you created is now available for use in actions.

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