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Running Value Finder simulations

Updated on August 4, 2022

Run a Value Finder simulation on an audience to discover which stages of your next-best-action strategy leave customers without any actions or with only low propensity actions, and identify groups of customers that are underserved.

Pega Customer Decision Hub
This procedure explains how to create and run simulations on the Value Finder landing page, on which you can perform the following tasks:
  • Running and viewing analysis results for all Value Finder simulations that were created in your system.
  • Creating Value Finder simulations to analyze strategies based on the Next-Best-Action Designer strategy framework.
Note: To analyze a strategy that was created outside Next-Best-Action Designer, or strategy results from a lower-version environment that does not include Value Finder, go to the Simulation Testing landing page and create a Value Finder simulation test. For more information, see Running simulation tests.
  1. Log in to the Pega Customer Decision Hub portal.
  2. In the navigation pane of the Pega Customer Decision Hub portal, click DiscoveryValue Finder.
  3. To run a saved simulation, from the Simulation list, select a simulation.
    Result: Value Finder runs the simulation automatically.
  4. To create a simulation and then run it, perform the following actions:
    1. Click Create new.
    2. In the Create simulation window, click All issues / All Groups.
    3. From the Issue list, select an issue.
    4. From the Group list, select a group.
    5. Click Apply.
    6. In the Create simulation window, click Audience, and then select the audience for the simulation.
      The audience is a list of potential customers who might receive your actions. Typically, you run simulations on sample production data that was copied from the Production environment to the Business Operations Environment (BOE). For some data sets, Value Finder can determine and display the audience size.
      Note: Value Finder only supports segments created at the primary context. Segments created above and below the primary context are filtered and are not available for selection in the Audience list.
    7. Click Run.
    Result: After you start a simulation, you can navigate away from the Value Finder landing page, and then can come back later when the analysis results are ready. Value Finder runs the simulation and saves it to the Simulation list. The simulation is also available on the Simulation Testing landing page.
  5. To re-run a simulation that you ran before, under the Simulation list, click the Re-run icon.
  6. Optional: To toggle the customer distribution view between counts and percentages, in the Show customers as field, select one of the following options:
    • To display results as the numbers of customers in each category and state, select Counts.
    • To display results as percentages of customers in each category and state, select Percentages.
  • Previous topic Identifying opportunities to improve next-best-action strategies with Value Finder
  • Next topic Setting the underserved threshold

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