Troubleshooting Customer Profile Designer
Use the following troubleshooting tips to help solve issues related to Customer Profile Designer.
Issue: The number of allowed summaries and data aggregates is not sufficient
By default, you can define 3 summaries with 120 data aggregates per summary. If that is not sufficient, you can modify the following dynamic system settings in the PegaMKT-Engine ruleset:
- cpd/summaries_dataset/max_aggregates_number
- cpd/designer/max_summary_associations_number
Issue: The summary is not created when you create a Summary rule
If the summary is not created when you create Summary rules on the Profile Data Sources landing page, check that the backing class can be created.
Class names in Pega Customer Decision Hub can only have a maximum of 56 characters, and the Summary rule creation creates a corresponding class that is a pattern-inherited child class of the selected data source class. Because of that, if your data source class is already 45 characters long, the summary name can be no longer than 10 characters, as the - character in the class name takes 1 character. If the summary name exceeds the number of available characters, the backing class for the summary is not created.
Issue: Aggregation does not work correctly
Some internal keywords that cannot be used as aggregate properties. If the aggregation does not work as expected, verify that EventType is not used as an aggregate property.
Issue: The integration service is not picked up
If your service is not getting picked up, verify that your service package has an appropriate Service access group defined.
Issue: The service is running but data flows are not executed
If the service is running but you data flows are not executed on your system, check that nodes are allocated to the decisioning infrastructure, especially for the Decision Data Store, Adaptive Decision Manager, and Batch data flows. If you opt to use a Stream service, ensure there is also at least one node dedicated to Stream.
Issue: Locked rulesets error
All operations available in the Customer Profile Designer, such as summary creations, adding data sources, and associating summaries or data sources with a customer context, require an unlocked ruleset version of the <application name>-rules-<application version> rule. If there is no unlocked ruleset version for the rule, the Customer Profile Designer shows an error. The error can also occur when the unlocked ruleset version is not the latest available version (that is, if the current ruleset version is locked, but an older unlocked version is available).
To solve this issue, do the following steps:
- Log in to your Pega Customer Decision Hub application as an operator with access to Dev Studio.
- In Dev Studio, click the name of your application, and then click Definition.
- Click the Configure icon by the <application name>-rules-<application version> ruleset.
- Create a new version of the ruleset.
Issue: After deleting a summary or removing a data source, the deleted item is still visible
If a summary or data source that you deleted is still displayed in Customer Profile Designer, and then the user finds that the same summary or data source still exists on CPD, it may be because the deleted item was originally created in a <application name>-rules-<application version> ruleset version that has since been locked.
For example, if you create a summary in the ruleset version uplusbank-rules-02, lock the ruleset and create the ruleset version uplusbank-rules-03, and then update the summary, the summary is automatically copied to the unlocked ruleset uplusbank-rules-03. However, an older version of the summary still exists in the locked ruleset uplusbank-rules-02, and is visible in Customer Profile Designer.
If you must delete a summary created in an older version of the ruleset, unlock the ruleset where the summary or data source was originally created:
- Log in to your Pega Customer Decision Hub application as an operator with access to Dev Studio.
- In Dev Studio, click the name of your application, and then click Definition.
- Unlock the version of the <application name>-rules-<application version> ruleset where you originally created the summary or data source.
- Delete the summary or data source in the unlocked ruleset.
Issue: Cannot find a datasource on the Profile Data Sources landing page
If you cannot find a specific data source in the list of available data sources on the Profile Data Sources landing page, ensure that the data source is available as part of the current application. Only data sources that are available within the application are visible on the Profile Data Sources page.
Issue: Trying to save the customer profile results in an error
After upgrading your Pega Customer Decision Hub application from a version earlier than 8.6, you may encounter an issue while trying to save the customer profile for the first time. The issue occurs if you have previously manually changed the contextflow data flow before the upgrade, for example, by adding or removing any flow shapes.
To solve this issue, revert the manual changes to the data flow:
- Log in to your Pega Customer Decision Hub application as an operator with access to Dev Studio.
- In Dev Studio, open the class of the context where you edited the contextflow data flow.
- Click .
- Open the contextflow data flow and check the current configuration.
- In Pega Customer Decision Hub, click .
- Add the data sources that were manually added or removed before the upgrade.
- Click .
- Associate any data sources that were manually added before the upgrade with a customer context.
- Remove the association of any data sources that were manually removed before the upgrade.
- Click Save.
Issue: Cannot find the data source or summary when trying to add new associations
If you cannot find a specific summary or data source in the list of available associated data in the Customer Profile Designer, check if it has not yet been associated with a customer context. After a summary or data source has been associated with a context entity, you cannot associate it with any other customer contexts.
Issue: Cannot modify an aggregate
If you create a summary aggregate in a specific version of the <application name>-rules-<application version> ruleset, and then try to edit it after locking the ruleset version where it was originally created, saving the edited aggregate may result in an error.
To solve this issue, save the edited aggregate under a new unique name.
Issue: After modifying a summary, the aggregation service restarts
For summaries of stream data sources, if you edit, add, or remove a summary aggregate, or if you change the Group by keys for the summary, the aggregation process restarts.
This is the expected behavior. Aggregation for all the defined aggregates in the edited summary restarts from the last event that the aggregation service processed before you modified the summary.
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