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CaptureNegotiationOutcome REST service

Updated on September 15, 2022

CaptureNegotiationOutcome is a REST service that supports the POST HTTP method. Pega Customer Decision Hub uses this service to capture negotiation information from Pega Next-Best-Action Advisor and store it in the PegaDATA database, for example, for business intelligence reporting.

Pega Customer Decision Hub
The system calls the CaptureNegotiationOutcome service after a negotiation outcome in Pega Next-Best-Action Advisor, concurrently with the CaptureResponse service.

POST Service Request

For the POST request, the service expects a JSON Object with the following attributes:

AgentIDThe identifier of the agent who conducted the negotiation.
AgentInteractionIDA unique identifier associated with the negotiation interaction.
BudgetUsed OptionalThe budget that the agent used to acquire or retain the customer.
CommissionsOptionalThe commission that the agent accrued.
ContextNameOptionalThe context, or level of customer contact for multilevel decisioning. This property can represent, for example, an account, a household, or a policy membership.
CustomerIDThe customer identifier.
DiscountAmountOptionalThe amount of recurring discount offered.
InteractionIDThe interaction ID stored into the Interaction History Fact table for each cart item.
MaximumBudgetOptionalThe maximum budget allowed by Pega Customer Decision Hub at the time when the negotiation interaction ends.
MinimumBudgetOptionalThe minimum budget allowed by Pega Customer Decision Hub.
MonthlyRecurringCostOptionalThe recurring monthly cost of the offers for the customer.
MonthlyRecurringDiscountOptionalThe recurring monthly discount of the offers for the customer.
OneOffCostOptionalThe one-time cost of the offers for the customer.
OneOffDiscountOptionalThe one-time discount on the offers for the customer.
OutcomeThe outcome of the negotiation interaction.
TargetBudgetOptionalThe target budget allowed by Pega Customer Decision Hub.

A sample invocation request is shown below:

"InteractionID":["5162592654195742888","5162592654195742890"],"MonthlyRecurringCost":331.99,"MonthlyRecurringDiscount":4.99,"CustomerID":"C1000012","AgentInteractionID":"S-441329","MinimumBudget":50.0,"TargetBudget":375.0,"DiscountAmount":4.99,"BudgetUsed":120,"Outcome":"Accepted","OneOffCost":225.0,"MaximumBudget":500.0,"AgentID":"[email protected]","OneOffDiscount":0.0,"Commisions":50,"ContextName":"Account"
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