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Configuring the delivery of a generic treatment with the Send Generic shape

Updated on September 15, 2022

Use the Send Generic shape to configure and send a Generic treatment.

Pega Customer Decision Hub

This shape provides a hook to process actions via outbound delivery mechanisms, other than the ones currently provided by the system (such as email or SMS). Use this shape to output relevant data to an output file or database table for processing by legacy systems.

The following General Configuration options are available for this shape:

Treatment NameName of the treatment. This can be used to track and organize the output data.
Key CodeMarketing code used to identify the treatment. This value can be output in the output file or table and can be used to track the performance of different treatments.

Delivery Options

Generic treatments can be written to a data warehouse (file or database table) for processing by other systems. Users can enable one or more of these modes at the same time.

The following Delivery Configuration options are available for this shape:

Write To FileDetermines whether a record should be written to an output file.
Write To DBDetermines whether a record should be written to an output database table.
Select Template (File/DB modes)File or Database Template rule which contains the specifics of what should be output to the file or table. This includes the file or table name, location, header information, and the specific data fields that need to be output. Refer to the Templates chapter for more information.

Wait After Sending

Users can determine whether they would like to wait after sending a generic treatment or proceed directly to the next step in the Flow. The wait options available are the same for all wait-based shapes and are described in the section on the Wait shape.

Field Marketing Options

This set of options is available when the application includes Pega Field Marketing. Corporate marketers can enable the checkbox to include this shape in the list of engagement steps that field marketers see in Field Marketing Campaigns. Additionally, they can also provide a meaningful description to aid the field marketer in understanding this shape’s purpose.

Content Details

The Content Details section allows the user to upload related content for this shape. If this shape is configured to display in Field Marketing Campaigns, then field marketers will be able to view the uploaded content when they review this shape in their Campaigns.

Both links and files can be uploaded using this section. The user can also enter a description for each item. Once the file or link is added, it displays in the content grid at the bottom of this section.

  • Previous topic Configuring the delivery of an SMS treatment with the Send SMS shape
  • Next topic Configuring the delivery of multiple treatments with the Send Multiple shape

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