Configuring the objective
An objective is a business goal that the Strategy should achieve. You must configure one objective for each Strategy.
The following objectives are available:
- Calculate Customer Lifetime Value
- Calculate Customer Lifetime Value for retail banking
- Fixed or dynamic action bundle
- Action prioritization strategy
- Action targeting using Audiences and AI
- Action Targeting using paid optimization
- Configuring the Calculate Customer Lifetime Value objective
The Calculate Customer Lifetime Value objective allows you to define how customer lifetime value (CLV) is calculated in Pega Customer Decision Hub.
- Configuring the Calculate Customer Lifetime Value objective for retail banking
The Calculate Customer Lifetime Value objective allows you to define how customer lifetime value (CLV) is calculated in Pega Customer Decision Hub specifically for retail banking.
- Configuring the Fixed or Dynamic Action Bundle objective
The Fixed or dynamic action bundle objective creates an action bundle with a Bundle Parent and one or more Bundle Members for each targeting approach. You can use audiences or analytics to determine the best mix of Bundle Members.
- Configuring the Action Prioritization Strategy objective
The Action Prioritization Strategy objective creates a reusable Strategy that uses analytical models to determine the action priority. The Strategy uses an external input and can be applied to any set of actions.
- Configuring the action targeting using the Audiences and AI objective
The Audiences and AI objective creates a Strategy to rank one or more actions by priority, using various targeting approaches. You can use Segments, Eligibility rules, and Prioritization rules to achieve the desired results.
- Configuring the Paid Optimization objective
The Paid Optimization objective creates a Strategy for paid channels, for example, Facebook Ads or Google Ads, to optimize bidding based on action priority. To use this option, Paid Media Manager must be enabled in your environment. For more information, see .
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