Monitoring actions
After configuring an action and propagating it to customers via Campaigns, marketers can monitor the action's progress and, if necessary, perform certain actions on active actions.
Marketers can use Wait Volumes overlay to perform the following actions:
For monitoring active actions' performance, action alerts provide notifications whenever a notable change in customer engagement activity is detected. Operational insights can be examined in detail using Actions Performance Tracker.
- Action alerts
Pega Customer Decision Hub notifications alert you whenever there is a significant change in the pattern of customer activity, so you can immediately see when your actions are underperforming.
- Action Performance
To understand the performance of hundreds of live actions in Pega Customer Decision Hub, Action Performance Tracker provides an operational view of action-related key performance indicators (KPIs), so you can monitor active actions for changes in customer engagement activity, catch important trends that require business attention (for example, a decline in accept rate), and ensure that new actions receive enough exposure.
- View Waiting Action Counts
Applying the Wait Volumes overlay on a particular action displays the number of waiting instances of the action for the selected Campaign. The overlay displays this count for each wait-enabled shape in the action.
- Update Expiration Time for Waiting Actions
The Update wait time overlay action enables marketers to update the time left before instances of the action waiting at a particular shape expire. An example use case for this action would be to grant customers more time to respond to an action.
- Stop Waiting Actions
The Stop actions overlay action enables marketers to stop execution of all instances of the action that are waiting at a particular shape. This provides granular control over the processing of the flow.
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