Running a decision strategy simulation on sampled production data
After migrating the data, run simulations on the sample production data that you imported. You can use the customer sampling data set as a source to run simulations in the Pega Customer Decision Hub portal.
Pega Customer Decision Hub
- In your Business Operations environment, in the navigation pane of the Pega Customer Decision Hub, click Simulation testing.
- On the Simulation Testing landing page, open a new simulation instance by clicking Create.
- In the New Simulation Test work area, configure the
simulation settings:
- In the Context section, in the Application context list, select the application revision version on which you want to run the simulation.
- In the Purpose list, select the reason why you want to run the simulation.
- In the Configure inputs section, define the data sources
for your simulation:
- In the Strategy panel, click Configure.
- In the Strategy dialog box, select the strategy on which you want to run the simulation by clicking Add in the applicable row, and then clicking Apply.
- In the Input panel, click Configure.
- In the Input dialog box, select the data set that contains the sample artifacts that you generated in Dev Studio by clicking Add in the applicable row, and then clicking Apply.
- Optional: In the Simulation ID prefix panel, change the default prefix for the simulation name by clicking the Edit icon, entering your custom name, and clicking Done. For example, enter: NextBestAcSampledUni.
- In the Assign output destinations section, specify where
you want to save the output of your simulation:
- To select an existing destination, click Add existing, click Add in the applicable row, and then click Apply.
- To add a new destination, click Create new,
specify the name and type of the new output, and then click
For example, you can save your simulation results in a database table or in Visual Business Director. The output name cannot contain any special characters.
- Optional: To clear the results of previous simulations tests in the outputs for every run, select the Overwrite outputs from previous simulations check box.
- In the Assign reports to outputs section, define which
reports you want to link to the outputs:
- In the Reports panel, click Configure.
- In the Assign reports to outputs dialog box, select an output, a report category, and a report that you want to assign to the output, and then click Done.
- On the Simulation Settings landing page, click Submit and Run, and then monitor the progress of the simulation.
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