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Testing the Predict Action Propensity strategy

Updated on September 15, 2022

To test this sub-strategy, you need to ensure that the Create Eligible Channels strategy (the Expand Actions by Active Channels component) has executed first, and that the Non Transactional Filter has also been executed.

Pega Customer Decision Hub
  1. In the Customer Decision Hub portal, click IntelligenceStrategies.
  2. Open the External Input NBA Framework Test strategy.
  3. If the strategy is not already checked out, click Check out.
  4. From the External Input NBA Framework Test strategy, right-click the Action Scoring component, and then click Open strategy to open the Action Level Propensity strategy.
  5. Press the Ctrl button and click on the Expand Actions by Active Channels and Non Transactional Filter components to select them both.
  6. Right-click on one of the selected components, and then click Copy to copy them both.
  7. Return to the External Input NBA Framework Test strategy, and then paste the copied components in a spot directly below the Constraints sub-strategy component.
  8. Join Constraints to Expand Actions by Active Channels.
  9. Join Expand Actions by Active Channels to the Non Transactional Filter.
  10. Double-click the Non Transactional Filter and change the name to Action Scoring Non Transactional.
    This will help identify the component as being the Non Transactional filter from the Action Scoring component.
    Note: Do not join the output from this filter to any other shape on the canvas, so that its output will not affect any other parts of the strategy.
  11. Click Save to save the strategy, or Check in if you are not making any further changes.
  12. Verify that the test results for the Action Scoring Non Transactional filter in the External Input NBA Framework Test strategy are the same as those for the Non Transactional filter in the Action Level Propensity strategy.
  13. Test the Predict Action Propensity component by doing the following steps:
    1. From the Action Level Propensity strategy, right-click the Predict Action Propensity component, and then click Open strategy. (right click, Open strategy).
      Note: Predict Action Propensity is actually a Prediction rather than a Strategy, but can be tested in the same was as a strategy.
    2. Open the Test Run panel by clicking the slider button on the upper right side of the strategy canvas.
    3. In the Settings section, select Data transform, and then select a persona transform.
      Note: To make any changes to the persona for the test, follow the steps used when setting up the person for the trigger strategy tests.
    4. In the For external inputs use strategy field, enter ExternalInputNBAFrameworkTest.
    5. Select Specify a single component within the strategy.
    6. Select the Action Scoring Non Transactional filter that you created in step 7.
    7. Click Run.
    8. On the strategy canvas click on the External Inputs shape and check that the test results are the same as those for the Action Scoring Non Transactional filter in the External Input NBA Framework Test, and for the Non Transactional filter in the Action Level Propensity performed in the tests in step 12.
    9. Click on individual components within the strategy to check where actions are dropping out or where the strategy results are unexpected.
What to do next: Use a similar technique to test other strategies within strategies.
  • Previous topic Testing a strategy within a lower-level strategy
  • Next topic Testing the Final Action Limits And Bundling strategy

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