Troubleshooting Pega Customer Decision Hub
If you encounter issues while working with Pega Customer Decision Hub, refer to this guide for troubleshooting information.
- Troubleshooting actions and flows
Use the following troubleshooting tips to help solve issues related to action processing.
- Troubleshooting campaigns
Use the following troubleshooting tips to help solve issues related to campaign runs.
- Troubleshooting the Context Dictionary
Use the following troubleshooting tips to help solve issues related to Context Dictionary configuration.
- Troubleshooting Customer Profile Designer
Use the following troubleshooting tips to help solve issues related to Customer Profile Designer.
- Troubleshooting Decision Data rules
Use the following troubleshooting tips to help solve issues related to Decision Data rule configuration.
- Troubleshooting Next-Best-Action Designer
Use the following troubleshooting tips to help solve issues related to Next-Best-Action Designer configuration.
- Troubleshooting Paid Media Manager
Use the following troubleshooting tips to help solve issues related to Paid Media Manager configuration.
- Troubleshooting output templates
Use the following troubleshooting tips to help solve issues related to output template processing.
- Troubleshooting real-time events
Use the following troubleshooting tips to help solve issues related to real-time events processing.
- Troubleshooting simulation tests
Use the following troubleshooting tips to help solve issues related to configuring and running simulation tests in Pega Customer Decision Hub.
- Troubleshooting treatments
Use the following troubleshooting tips to help solve issues related to treatments.
- Troubleshooting customer journeys
The purpose of this section is to outline common customer journey troubleshooting scenarios.
- Monitoring system health in Pega Customer Decision Hub
Pega Customer Decision Hub provides a diagnostic tool for your application called System Health. System Health allows administrators to quickly review errors and warnings associated with their application. The System Health landing page is visible only to administrators and is accessible in the Pega Customer Decision Hub portal via: Configuration Settings System Health .
- Identifying and reporting issues
The Errors and Warnings grids provide detailed information on the health check failure (i.e. error or warning).
- Understanding Pega Customer Decision Hub errors and warnings
The Errors and Warnings cards are displayed at the top of the System Health landing page and provide the administrator with a quick overview of the status of their application.
- Understanding agent errors and warnings
The following table explains the scenarios that contribute to the Agent Errors and Agent Warnings lists.
- Understanding channel errors and warnings
The following table explains the scenarios that contribute to the Channel Errors and Channel Warnings lists.
- Understanding configuration errors and warnings
The following table explains the scenarios that contribute to the Configuration Errors and Configuration Warnings lists.
- Understanding runtime errors and warnings
The following table explains the scenarios that contribute to the Runtime Errors and Runtime Warnings lists.
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