Understanding unsubscribe data with the Unsubscribed Customers report
The shipped application also includes a sample Report Definition that allows users to review details on customer unsubscribes for the email channel. This report is available in the Report Browser under the Subscription category.
Clicking the above link launches the report, which displays a chart for the email unsubscribes in the last 30 days. The chart groups unsubscribes by Treatment Name. Within each group (bar), there is a further classification based on the unsubscribe reason.
In addition to the chart, the report also displays an expandable breakdown of unsubscribes by reason:
Clicking on a region in the chart (or an expanded row in the reason breakdown) switches the display to a list. This list includes relevant details that were captured as part of the unsubscribe request, such as the Issue, Group, and action name.
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