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Pega Customer Service for Healthcare case types

Updated on January 7, 2022

Pega Customer Service for Healthcare includes several standard case types. These case types are available for selection within the New Application wizard when you create your Pega Customer Service for Healthcare application. Depending on your service needs, you might include all, none, or a subset of these case types in your application. In addition, you can create new case types to meet your service needs.

Pega Customer Service for Healthcare Product Overview

Member Services

Service tasks/requestsDescription
Add Child DependentsEnter and process information about new child dependents to be added to a plan
Authorization InquiryRespond to customer questions about authorization statuses
Claims InquiryRespond to claims related questions using information such as claim status, information about out-of-pocket costs, and service history. The case creates follow-up work based on the context of the interaction.
Coordination of BenefitsCollect policy information when members are covered by multiple plans. This coordinates benefit coverage and improves claims accuracy.
Coverage Inquiry**Preemptively inform members about potential benefit issues and options
Create Lead‡Create a sales lead during a customer service interaction and route to a sales rep.
Create Opportunity‡Add, view, and modify sales opportunities during a customer service interaction.
Exercise Data RightsSupport customer requests to exercise their GDPR rights by making a request for data access and follow on requests (if applicable) to rectify, restrict or remove.
Find ProviderSearch for provider organizations or individual practitioners based on criteria, such as plan and location.
Log General Service RequestCreate an ad hoc case to log a general customer request.
Medicare InquiryQualifies inbound inquiries about Medicare plans, using industry-standard questions. Results include Medicare plans available to the customer.
Order ID CardRequest identification cards for members
Patient AssistanceEnroll members in Patient Assistance programs that assist them with medical expenses.
Start Co-BrowseCollaborate in real-time with a customer by sharing a browser session and providing visual guidance on how to navigate a website.
Update Contact ProfileUpdate contact profile information such as first, middle, and last name, date of birth, and marketing communication preferences.
Update PCPUpdate member’s primary care provider (PCP).
View BenefitsReview the member’s plan and product eligibility information including information on specific benefit coverage.
Welcome MemberEngages and educates new health plan members in self-service channels. It promotes benefits and programs and captures care team information.

  • ** Requires Pega Customer Decision Hub license
  • ‡ Requires Pega Sales Automation license

Provider Services

Service tasks/requestsDescription
Appeal a Prior Authorization DenialInitiate and process the appeal of a previously denied authorization (pre-certification) request on behalf of the member for whom the service was requested.
Authorization InquiryRespond to customer questions about authorization statuses
Authorization IntakeReceives and processes authorization requests from providers.
Claims InquiryRespond to claims related questions using information such as claim status, information about out-of-pocket costs, and service history. The case creates follow-up work based on the context of the interaction.
Coordination of BenefitsCollect policy information when members are covered by multiple plans. This coordinates benefit coverage and improves claims accuracy.
Log General Service RequestCreate an ad hoc case to log a general customer request.
Start Co-BrowseCollaborate in real-time with a customer by sharing a browser session and providing visual guidance on how to navigate a web site.
Update Contact ProfileUpdate contact profile information such as first, middle, and last name, date of birth, and marketing communication preferences.
Update NPIUpdate or correct a provider’s NPI number.
Update Practitioner AddressCollect updates practitioner’s addresses.
Update Hospital Admitting PrivilegesUpdate the list of hospitals at which a practitioner holds admitting privileges
Update Practitioner Business AffiliationsUpdate a practitioner's relationship with the business entities (hospitals, clinics etc.) with which they are associated.
Update Practitioner LanguagesUpdate the languages spoken by a practitioner.
Update Practitioner LicensesUpdate the license related information held by a practitioner, such as a state-issued medical licenses, DEA number, and Medicare and Medicaid numbers.
Update Practitioner SpecialtiesUpdate the type of provider and the specialties recorded for the practitioner.
View BenefitsReview the member’s plan and product eligibility information including information on specific benefit coverage.

Patient Services

Service tasks/requestsDescription
Log General Service RequestCreate an ad hoc case to log a general customer request.
Manage Medical AppointmentEnables representatives to reschedule or cancel existing medical appointments for patients while interacting with them or an authorized contact on their behalf.
Patient AssistanceEnroll patients in Patient Assistance programs that assist them with medical expenses.
Schedule Medical AppointmentEnables representatives to schedule medical appointments for patients while interacting with them or an authorized contact on their behalf.
Start Co-BrowseCollaborate in real-time with a customer by sharing a browser session and providing visual guidance on how to navigate a web site.
Update Contact ProfileUpdate contact profile information such as first, middle, and last name, date of birth, and marketing communication preferences.
Reminder ManagementSends reminders to patients for scheduled medical appointments. You can send reminders by using email, Short Message Service (SMS) texts, and mobile notification. You can also configure the frequency and interval of the reminders.

  • **Requires Pega Customer Decision Hub license
  • ‡Requires Pega Sales Automation for Healthcare license

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