Creating an implementation application on top of a framework application
If your organization requires a framework application, complete this procedure to create the implementation applications on top of the framework application.
- Log in to the framework application as a system administrator operator.
- In the header of Dev Studio, click the name of the application, and then click New Application.
- Follow the steps in the New Application wizard
to create the new implementation application:
- On the What type of application do you want to build page,
select your framework application.Your new implementation application will be built on top of the framework application, and it will inherit the rules from that application.
- On the Select service request bundles page, select your
lines of business, and then click Continue.Each bundle includes service request types and data types related to that line of business.
- On the Service requests page, select the service request
types required for your business, and then click
Continue.The New Application wizard automatically selects the service request types associated with the selected bundles.
- On the Data types page, select the data types required for
your business, and then click Continue.The New Application wizard automatically selects the data types associated with the selected bundles.
- On the Select interaction channels page, select the
interaction channels that your business supports, and then click
Continue.For each selected channel, the New Application wizard creates the relevant interaction classes and drivers in the new implementation application. To edit the interaction classes and drivers after you create the implementation application, see Configure interactions settings.
- On the Customer Decision Hub page, select Enable Customer Decision Hub if your organization uses Customer Decision Hub features for next best action suggestions and suggested replies.
- On the Name your application page, enter the name of the application, and then click Advanced configuration.
- In the Application Settings section, under Application structure, select Framework.
- In the Organization settings section, enter the
Organization name, Division name, and
Unit name for this application.
The New Application wizard creates the application class structure for you based on the organization settings that you enter. For more information, see Class layers and class hierarchy and inheritance.
If you have not already defined the organization entities (for example, if you have not already defined the division), type the name of the new entity in the appropriate field. The application saves the new values when you create the new application.
- Click Save, and then click Create application.
- On the What type of application do you want to build page,
select your framework application.
- Optionally, create operators for the new application:
- Select a user and their role.Each role corresponds to an access group that is part of the new application.
- Click Add.
- Select a user and their role.
- To open the new implementation application, click Go to
app.The new implementation application opens in App Studio.
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