The topics in this section describe features that support CSR work across all
Pega Customer Service
Implementation Guide
Pega Customer Service
Implementation Guide
Pega Customer Service
Implementation Guide
Pega Customer Service
Implementation Guide
Pega Customer Service
Implementation Guide
Pega Customer Service
Implementation Guide
Pega Customer Service
Implementation Guide
Pega Customer Service
Implementation Guide
Pega Customer Service
Implementation Guide
Pega Customer Service
Implementation Guide
Configuring customer verification
An administrator can configure customer verification settings to verify an
unidentified customer to ensure the authenticity of the customer.
The customer verification can happen at the start of the interaction, before
launching a service case, or both. The verification settings include a default pool of
security questions that are sourced from different data sources, such as account, contact, and so on. Managers can assign a score to each
question based on its criticality.
Note: For Pega Customer Service for Healthcare, although the
customer verification flow functionality is not set up by default, these
capabilities are available to extend into your implementation.
Setting the verification conditions
You can modify the number of security questions that a customer service
representative (CSR) must ask to verify an unidentified customer. To pass the verification,
customer must earn the required score that is configured for interaction and service cases,
where applicable.
- In the navigation panel of App Studio, click .
- To define the maximum number of questions that display to the CSR for
verification, select a value from the Maximum number of fields to
display to operator list.
- To define the minimum number of questions to ask and verify, select the value
from the Minimum number of fields for operator to verify
successfully list.
- To decide whether to bypass the customer verification or not, select an option
from the Allow an operator to bypass verification
- To verify an unidentified customer at the start of an interaction, select
Yes at the Ask verification questions at
the start of the interaction? field. Otherwise, select
- Click Save.
Managing the score for customer verification
As an administrator, you can configure the minimum score to verify an
unidentified customer, and you can vary this value by interaction and service case. The
score is determined by adding the values associated with each question that the customer
answers correctly. For example, if the verification score for a service case is defined
as 10, then the customer must obtain a score of 10 by answering one or more questions
Note: The score threshold value works in conjunction with the Minimum number of
fields for operator to verify successfully field, described in
Setting the verification conditions section above. For example, if the
Minimum number of fields for operator to verify successfully
field is set to 2 and Score threshold required field is set to
10, the customer must correctly answer at least two questions and obtain the required
score of 10. If the customer correctly answered a single question that has a score of
10, the customer would still need to correctly answer at least one more question to meet
the criteria of minimum questions to be asked.
Before you begin: To enable customer verification for a service case, you must
configure the service case in the
SetCaseForVerification data transform,
and also add the
ServiceCaseVerification flow to the service case. For more
information about how to create data transform, see
Data transforms.
- In the navigation panel of App Studio, click .
- In the Verification scores section, define the score
that is required to start an interaction by entering a value in the
Score threshold required to begin an interaction
- To define the minimum score for individual service cases, complete the
following steps:
- Click Add service case
- Enter the case type name in the Service cases
- Enter the minimum score to verify the customer in the Score
threshold required field.
- To add more service cases, repeat the previous steps.
- Click Save.
Configuring anonymous customer interactions
Restriction: This content does not apply to the communications
The anonymous customer interactions functionality helps customer service
representatives assist customers who are not identified in the application through chat, email,
phone, or social channels.
Customer service representatives often interact with users who are not identified as
customers in the database. The users might call, chat, or post on Facebook to seek information
about a new product. In such cases, a customer service representative does not need to pull up
a contact or account information to reply to general
inquiries from these users. Customer service representatives can assist anonymous customers
using the following tabs:
Search and
Note: While the anonymous customer interaction
functionality is not set up by default in Pega Customer Service for Healthcare, these
capabilities are available to extend into your implementation.
- To start an interaction with customers based on the channel of your choice, you can
configure either the Search or General
assistance tabs.
- To start the Chat channel on the General assistance tab, perform
the following steps:
- In the Dev Studio
Explorer panel, click App. In the search
field, enter PegaCA-Work-Interaction for all applications except Pega Customer Service for Financial Services and enter PegaCPMFS-Work-Interaction for Pega Customer Service for Financial Services.
- Click Chat > Data Model > Data Transform >
- Click Save as and save the rule in your open ruleset.
- In the Label field, enter a name, and then click
Create and open.
- In the Source field of the
.DefaultTabInSearchScreen row, enter
- Click Save.
- Repeat steps 1a to 1f for each of the channels that you want to modify.
- By default, the anonymous customer functionality is enabled. You can disable the
General assistance, and New customer tabs
by performing the following steps:
Note: You cannot disable the Search functionality.
- In Dev Studio, in the search field, enter and select
- Click Save as and save the rule in your open ruleset.
- In the Label field, enter a name, and then click
Create and open.
- In the Source field of the
.EnableAnonymousInteractions row, enter
- Click Save.
Configuring DNIS for anonymous customer
You can configure the Dialed number identification service (DNIS) numbers that map
to service, acquisition, or other call or case types for your organization. This service
helps organizations to determine and route incoming calls based on the DNIS number, which
further directs customers to an appropriate category or section.
A new extension point,
SetCustomerCallType, is used to configure the
DNIS number to the required pyCalltype.
To configure the DNIS number, complete the
following steps.
- In the Dev Studio Explorer panel, click
Records > Decision >
Decision Table.
- Search for and open the Set Custom Call Type decision
- To configure the phone numbers for your organization, click
Private Edit.
- Double-click the if row of the
DNIS column and enter the phone number.
Note: Do not enter the feature access code, 000.
- Click the Return column in front of the phone
number that you added and click the search icon.
- In the Express Builder dialog, enter
.pyCallType== “Acquisition”.
- Click the otherwise row of the Return column and
enter .pyCallType== “Service”.
- To configure more phone numbers, click the Insert Row
After icon.
- Click Save.
- To configure the parameters that are specific to the call type, search for and
open the SetAnonymousDetails data transform. For example,
Acquisition and Service. For more information on how to configure the
parameters, see Data Transform form - Completing the
Definitions tab.
- To add a row, on the Definitions tab, click the
Add icon.
- From the Action list,
select When.
- In the Target field, enter the category of the
call type. For example,
- In the Source field, enter the following
parameters for the Acquisition call type in the child rows.
Action | Target | Source |
Set | .CallTypeDesc | "Acquisition" |
Set | .DefaultTabInSearchScreen | "GeneralAssistance" |
Set offerAction | .OfferAction | |
- Repeat step 3a through step 3d and configure the parameters for Service
call type. Ensure that you enter
.pyCallType==”Service” in the
Target column and child rows as
Action | Target | Source |
Set | .CallTypeDesc | "Service" |
Set | .DefaultTabInSearchScreen | "Search" |
Set | .OfferAction | |
Enabling the focus timer
Enable the focus timer if you want to track the time that a customer service
representative (CSR) is actively engaged in an interaction. This tracking gives you improved
insight into actual resolution times because the timer runs only when the interaction tab is
active. If you enable the focus timer, the Average focus time widget
displays average focus times by date and channel. By default, a CSR cannot see the focus timer,
but you can optionally display the focus timer on the interaction tab.
Note: The focus timer is separate from the interaction timer. The interaction timer is visible
during a live interaction and shows the duration of the interaction from start to finish,
including inactive time. When enabled, the focus timer appears in addition to the
interaction timer.
For information about how to configure the focus timer, see Configuring agent
productivity settings in Configuring application settings.
Configuring suggested work item reviews
During customer interactions, Pega Customer Service can suggest the
review of a pending work item to a CSR.
To configure the suggested work item review, copy the
CAReviewServiceItems rule from one of the following rulesets to your
application ruleset, and then configure the rule based on your business requirements.
- For all applications except Pega Customer Service for Insurance, copy from the PegaAppCA ruleset.
- For Pega Customer Service for Insurance, copy from the PegaInsureCPM ruleset.
For more information, see Configuring suggested work item
Adding and enabling data masking
A chat interaction, and the resulting history logs, can contain sensitive data such as
account numbers, policy numbers, and Social Security numbers. Hide this data and mask it in the
transcripts that are shared with a customer service representative (CSR). The sensitive data is
masked to ensure that the confidential information is not displayed in interaction scripts or
emails and is not stored in a database.
When you add a mask to the interaction scripts, the
user-entered values are masked in the configured format, for example XXX-XX-NNNN for Social
Security number. You can enable or disable a mask based on your business needs.
- In the navigation panel of the Interaction Portal, click Application
- Click the Data masking tab.
- To add a new mask, click Add mask.
- To add data masking to a specific channel, select the Channel
from the list.
- If you want to enable the mask, select the Enable this mask
check box.
The Mask enabled column displays a green tick mark that
indicates the mask is enabled.
- In the add mask dialog, complete the displayed fields.
- Optional: If the data entered has special characters, select the Advanced
mode check box and enter the validation masks in Validation
regex field.
- Optional: To test and validate the configuration, enter the sample text in the Test
your validation field and click Test.
- Click Submit.
What to do next: To disable an existing mask, select the mask from the list and click the
Gear icon. In the Edit mask dialog, clear
the Enable this mask check box. The Mask
enabled column displays a cross mark that indicates that the mask is