Rules finalized in version 8.5 to prevent overrides
As part of the continuous effort to improve the update and implementation processes,
Pega has identified many existing rules that were not previously locked and changed them to
be locked. By locking critical rules, the rule becomes easier to update in the future. For
features that clients typically modify to meet their business needs, unlocked rule
extensions are provided. When updating to version 8.5, run the Pega Customer Service Upgrade Checker to check if
your application includes overrides to critical rules that are now locked. If a rule
override exists, remove the override and use a rule extensions instead. For more
information about the Pega Customer Service Upgrade Checker, see the Pega
Customer Service and Pega Sales Automation Update Guide on the Pega Customer Service product page. This topic list the critical rules that were locked in version 8.5, and it describe the
steps to take to remove the rule overrides if present. Review the following table for information about the interaction driver rules that
were locked in version 8.5, and the steps to remove overrides from the locked
rules. Review the following table for information about the perform harness rules that were
locked in version 8.5, and the steps to remove overrides from the locked rules. Withdraw rule. Move all custom scripts into the new
Move all custom CSS into the new
To enable Auditing, use the EnableAuditing when
rule provided in For error handling, the custom error section
ErrorMessagesHolder is provided in the
Display options settings of the rule. To disable the display of dirty warnings, edit the
Withdraw rule. Move all custom scripts into the new
Move all custom CSS into the new
To enable Auditing, set the EnableAuditing when
rule conditions to Alwaysis true available in the For error handling, the custom error section ErrorMessagesHolder is
provided in the Display options,
Error display settings of the rule. To disable the display of dirty warnings, edit the new bundle file
Withdraw rule. Move all custom scripts into the new
Move all custom CSS into the new
To enable Auditing set the EnableAuditing when
rule conditions to Always, is
true, available in the Display
options, Error display,
Additional settings of the rule For error handling the custom error section, ErrorMessagesHolder is
provided in the Display options,
Error display settings of the rule. To disable the display of dirty warnings, edit the
Withdraw rule. Move all custom scripts into the new
Move all custom CSS into the new style sheet
To enable auditing, set EnableAuditing when rule
conditions to Alwaysis true, available in the For error handling the custom error, ErrorMessagesHolder section is
provided in the Display options,
Error display settings of the rule. Move all custom scripts into the
Move all custom scripts into the new custom bundle
file, provided in the Scripts & stylesScripts settings of the rule, as an
extension.Interaction driver rules locked in version 8.5
pyClass pyRuleName pyClassName State Changes to be made if overridden RULE-HTML-SECTION CPMPerformIncludesTasks Work- Available None required. RULE-HTML-SECTION CPMInteractionDriverIncludesWrapper Work- Final Withdraw overridden rule. Use the
CPMDriverIncludesExt extension for driver
section customizations. RULE-HTML-SECTION CPMDisplayDriverWrapper Work- Final Withdraw override on Final rule. Move customization to the
CPMDisplayDriverWrapperExt extension. RULE-HTML-SECTION CPMDisplayDriver PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. Do not override this rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CPMDisplayDriverTask Assign- Final Withdraw rule. Do not override this rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CPMTaskListMenu PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. Do not override this rule. To customize the
Add Task menu use .RULE-OBJ-FLOWACTION CPMTaskListMenu PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CPMInteractionDriver PegaCA-Work-Interaction-Outbound-Call
PegaCA-Work-Interaction-Research PegaCA-Work-Interaction
PegaCA-Work-Interaction-Mobile Final Withdraw rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CPMTakeActionHeader PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. Do not override this rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CPMTakeActionSearch PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. Do not override this rule. RULE-OBJ-MODEL CSSearchIntents Baseclass Final Withdraw rule. Do not override this rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CPMTakeActionMenu_GridLayoutOuter PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. No customization permitted. RULE-HTML-SECTION CPMTakeActionMenu_GridLayoutInner Rule-PegaCA-InteractionDriver Final Withdraw rule. No customization permitted. RULE-HTML-SECTION CPMLocalizedCategoryName Embed-PegaCA-IntentCategory Final Withdraw rule. Do not override this rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CPMTasksByCategory PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. Do not override this rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CSInteractionTimer PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. Hide the interaction/SLA timer by using
Hide interaction timer in App Studio. Hide
the Phone call transfer/resume button in by disabling the Enable integrated
voice data transfer setting. Alternatively, hide the
Phone call transfer/resume button using When
rule ShowTransferAndResumeButtons in Dev
Studio.RULE-HTML-SECTION CPMInteractionTasksWrapper PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. The Call Timer display can be controlled from .RULE-OBJ-HTML CreateWorkUnderInteractionContext PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CPMInteractionTasks PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. RULE-OBJ-HTML CPMAutoLauchServiceProcess PegaCA-Work Final Withdraw rule. Do not override this rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CSInteractionCaseRecents PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. Do not override this rule. RULE-OBJ-HTML InteractionTasksScroller PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. Do not override this rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CSDisplayInProgressCases Rule-PegaCA-Intent-Task Final Withdraw rule. Do not override this rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CSDisplayCompletedTasks Rule-PegaCA-Intent-Task Final Withdraw rule. Do not override this rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CSDisplayQueuedTasks Rule-PegaCA-Intent-Task Final Withdraw rule. Do not override this rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CSPhoneInterationTimerIcon PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. Do not override this rule. RULE-OBJ-MODEL SetWrapUpButton PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION ConfirmQuickWrapup PegaCA-Work-Interaction Withdraw rule. RULE-OBJ-MODEL SetHeadlessWrapup PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. RULE-OBJ-WHEN CPMIsWrapUpClicked PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. RULE-OBJ-MODEL CPMClearSCRecentSelection PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. RULE-OBJ-MODEL CSMoveTempCasesToQueue Baseclass Final Withdraw rule. RULE-OBJ-MODEL CSTransferWithWorkPreDT PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. RULE-OBJ-MODEL CSTransferWithWorkPostDT PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. RULE-OBJ-MODEL ClearRetainTransferInteractionFlag ChannelServices-Interaction-Call Final Withdraw rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CSTransferInteraction PegaCA-CTI-Call Final Withdraw rule. RULE-OBJ-WHEN ShowTransferButton PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. RULE-OBJ-WHEN ShowResumeButton PegaCA-Work-Interaction PegaCA-Work-Interaction-Call Final Withdraw rule. RULE-OBJ-WHEN IsChannelInteractionActive PegaCA-Work-Interaction PegaCA-Work-Interaction-Outbound-Call
PegaCA-Work-Interaction-Call Final Withdraw rule. RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY SetTransferDetails Baseclass Final Withdraw rule. RULE-OBJ-MODEL ClearCPMSearchText PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. RULE-OBJ-WHEN CSHasIntentSearchResults PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. RULE-OBJ-WHEN CPMDriverCategoryAvailable Embed-PegaCA-IntentCategory Final Withdraw rule. RULE-OBJ-WHEN HasCompletedTasks PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. RULE-OBJ-WHEN HasServiceCaseRecents PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. RULE-OBJ-WHEN HasQueuedTasks PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CSSuggestionsWrapper PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. Remove section by disabling both Suggested action's
features Intelligent guidance and Customer Decision Hub features in App
Studio. RULE-OBJ-WHEN IntentTaskAutoLaunch Rule-PegaCA-Intent Final Withdraw rule. RULE-OBJ-WHEN CSIsEmailInteraction Work- Final Withdraw rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CPMInteractionIntents PegaCA-Work Final Withdraw rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CPMInteractionIntents PegaCA-Work Final Withdraw rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CPMDisplaySuggestedTask Rule-PegaCA-Intent-Task Final Withdraw rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CPMDisplaySuggestedTask Rule-PegaCA-Intent-Task Final Withdraw rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CSSuggestedTasksWrapper PegaCA-Work Final Withdraw rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CPMDisplaySuggestedOffer Rule-PegaCA-Intent-Task Final Withdraw rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CPMMKTGTopOffers Rule-PegaCA-Intent-Task Final Withdraw rule. RULE-OBJ-WHEN HasSuggestedTasks PegaCA-Work Final Withdraw rule. RULE-OBJ-MODEL CPMSetCurrentIntentTask Rule-PegaCA-Intent Final Withdraw rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CPMMKTGOffer PegaCPM-Int-MKTG-OffersList Final Withdraw rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CSNextBestAction PegaCA-Work Final Withdraw rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CSGetNBA Int-PegaCDH-Container-Response Final Withdraw rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CSOfferWrapper Int-PegaCDH-Container-Response Final Withdraw rule. RULE-OBJ-WHEN DisplaySuggestedActions Int-PegaCDH-Container-Action Final Withdraw rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CSShowNextBestAction Int-PegaCDH-Container-Action Final Withdraw rule. RULE-OBJ-MODEL CSShowTopOffers Rule-PegaCA-Intent-Task Final Withdraw rule. RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY CPMFlushOffers Work- Withdraw rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION pyCaseActionArea PegaCA-Work-Interaction Final Withdraw rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CSOffer Int-PegaCDH-Container-Offer Final Withdraw rule. RULE-HTML-SECTION CPMDisplayTaskInMenu Rule-PegaCA-Intent-Task Final Withdraw rule. RULE-OBJ-MODEL CPMSetLocalizedCategoryName Embed-PegaCA-IntentCategory Final Withdraw rule. RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY CPMGetIntentTasksByCategory Embed-PegaCA-IntentCategory Final Withdraw rule. RULE-OBJ-MODEL CSRemovePropertiesFromIntentTask Rule-PegaCA-Intent-Task Withdraw rule. Perform harness rules locked in version 8.5
pyClass pyRuleName pyClassName State Changes to be made if overridden RULE-HTML-HARNESS Perform PegaCA-Work Final perform-case-custom
bundle file provided
in Scripts & styles,
Scripts settings of the rule.perform-case-custom-css
style sheet
provided in Scripts & stylesStyle sheets settings of the rule.perform-case-custom
bundle file provided
for the rule, uncomment the provided dirty warnings setting.RULE-HTML-HARNESS Perform PegaCA-Work-Interaction-Call Final perform-chat-custom
bundle file provided in
the Scripts & styles,
Scripts settings of the rule.perform-chat-custom-css
style sheet
provided in the Scripts & styles,
Scripts settings of the rule.perform-chat-custom
provided, and uncomment
the dirty warnings setting.RULE-HTML-HARNESS Perform PegaCA-Work-Interaction-Chat Final perform-chat-custom
bundle file provided in
the Scripts & styles,
Scripts settings of the rule.perform-chat-custom-css
style sheet
provided in the Scripts & styles,
Scripts settings of the rule.perform-chat-custom
new bundle file
provided and uncomment the dirty warnings setting.RULE-HTML-HARNESS Perform PegaCA-Work-Interaction-Outbound-Call Final perform-outboundcall-custom
bundle file
provided in the Scripts & styles,
Scripts settings of the rule perform-outboundcall-custom-css
provided in
the Scripts & styles,
Scripts settings of the rule.Text File webwb • CAEventMgmt • js Final Withdraw text file. Text File webwb • CPMToolsNavigation • js Final Withdraw text file. Text File webwb • DynamicPlaceHolder • js Final Withdraw text file. Text File webwb • Form_filler • js Final Withdraw text file. Text File webwb • InsertTextRTEPlugin • js Final Withdraw text file. Text File webwb • pega_cpm_localization • js Final Withdraw text file. Text File webwb • NBAA • js Final Withdraw text file. Text File webwb • Pega_cs_driver_util • js Final Withdraw text file. Text File webwb • TypingIndicator • js Final Withdraw text file. Text File webwb • Socialutils • js Final Withdraw text file. Bundle pega_cpm_chatscripts • script Final Withdraw bundle file. perform-chat-custom
bundle file, provided
in the Scripts & stylesScripts settings of the rule, as an
extension.Bundle pega_cpm_eventManager • script Final Withdraw script.
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