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Customer composite

Updated on March 16, 2021

The customer composite section of the Interaction Portal displays a summary of interaction information to the CSR so that they can immediately address the most common customer queries. The composite varies by interaction type; for example, for a phone call from a verified customer, the composite displays detailed history and transaction information for that customer; for an anonymous interaction, the composite displays general information about your company or products. You can change the composite information for different interaction types.

Pega Customer Service Implementation Guide

The following figure shows an example of a customer composite:

Customer composite example
The customer composite data helps the CSR address common inquiries, for example, by showing recent interactions

For information about how CSRs can use the Customer Inquiry section of the Account or Policy tab to track information shared with customers, and how you can modify that section to best meet your business needs, see Customer inquiry.

Customer composite components

A customer composite consists of one or more named tabs, presented in order by priority. In the previous figure, the Account tab is the highest priority tab and is therefore shown first. The content on each tab is organized into sections that contain one or more widgets. Only an operator with administrator privileges can modify tab content. A visibility setting for each tab determines the context when the tab is displayed, for example, only during an anonymous interaction.

Default customer composite tabs

The following table describes the default customer composite tabs for each Pega Customer Service application:

ApplicationDefault tab nameShow the tab if this condition is met
Pega Customer ServiceGeneral AssistanceAnonymous interaction.
AccountCustomer has an associated account.
OrganizationCustomer has an associated organization.
OverviewCustomer has an associated contact.
NotesA research interaction for a customer with an associated account and contact.
Pega Customer Service for CommunicationsGeneral AssistanceAnonymous interaction.
AccountCustomer has an associated account.
OrganizationCustomer has an associated organization.
OverviewCustomer has an associated contact.
NotesA research interaction for a customer with an associated account and contact.
BillingCustomer has an associated account.
Pega Customer Service for Financial ServicesAccountCustomer has an associated account.
CustomerCustomer is an individual.
OrganizationCustomer is an organization.
HouseholdCustomer has a Wealth account.
NotesAlways displayed.
ContactsCustomer is an organization.
Pega Customer Service for HealthcarePlanCustomer type is Member.
MemberCustomer type is Member.
ProviderCustomer type is Provider.
PractitionerCustomer type is Provider or Practitioner.
Claims and AuthorizationsCustomer type is Member, Practitioner, or Provider.
PatientCustomer type is Patient.
BillingCustomer type is Patient.
ProgramsCustomer type is Patient.
Pega Customer Service for InsuranceGeneral assistanceAnonymous interaction.
PolicyCustomer has an associated policy.
OrganizationCustomer has an associated organization.
OverviewCustomer has an associated contact.
NotesA research interaction for a customer with an associated account and contact.

Best practices for customer composites

When designing the layout of customer composites, consider the following best practices:

  • Show the most frequently requested information on the first tab.
  • Show related data elements close to each other.
  • Show the minimum tabs that are needed so that CSRs can quickly access information.
  • For data that is requested less than 20% of the time, put the data on a separate tab and use a business condition to display the tab conditionally. You can also put the data in an expandable accordion layout group, and hide the data until requested by the customer.
  • Provide meaningful tab names so that CSRs can immediately tell what information each tab contains.
  • To improve performance, only load data when needed, and do not allow data updates or data processing from the tabs. Launching a new service request from a composite tab is still an appropriate action. For more information, see "Launching a service case from the composite", later in this section.

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