Customer search
A CSR uses the customer search feature to locate the correct contact record at the start of an interaction. By default, the customer search feature is enabled for all interaction types.
Starting a search
At the start of an interaction, the CSR chooses how to search for the contact, for example, by Account number.
Business users can add new customer searches, and they can modify the default searches.
The following figure shows an example of search input fields:
The following figure shows an example of search results:
Configuring customer search
To configure customer search:
- Configure the search fields and search results views, as described in Configuring search fields and adding search views.
- Configure which search input fields and search results to use together, the source of the search fields, and the default search type as described in Configuring search groups.
For information about advanced configuration, see Advanced customer search configuration.
Application-provided customer searches
The customer searches included with your Pega Customer Service application vary based on the application:
Application | Searches | Data page |
Pega Customer Service | Account number | Customer search (D_CustomerSearch) |
Contact info | Customer search (D_CustomerSearch) | |
Pega Customer Service for Communications | Case ID | Customer search results (D_CustomerSearchResults) |
Customer | Customer search results (D_CustomerSearchResults) | |
Pega Customer Service for Financial Services | Case ID | Customer search (D_CustomerSearch) |
Contact | Customer search (D_CustomerSearch) | |
Pega Customer Service for Healthcare | Member | Member search (D_Search_Member) |
Patient | Patient search (D_Member_Datalist) | |
Practitioner | Practioner search (D_ProvidersAndPractitioners) | |
Provider | Provider search (D_ProvidersAndPractitioners) | |
Pega Customer Service for Insurance | Business (B2D use case) | Customer search (D_CustomerSearch) |
Case | Customer search (D_CustomerSearch) | |
Contact | Customer search (D_CustomerSearch) | |
Policy | Customer search (D_CustomerSearch) |
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