Form autofill not working
This section describes how to debug issues with form autofill within a launched case.
Voice AI autofills detected entities in input fields in the case when the following conditions are true:
- You have enabled dialogs in inbound call interaction settings.
- Voice AI detects an entity in the conversation.
- The entity has not expired.
- A service case is in progress.
- You have mapped entities to input fields in the service case.
- The input field is on the screen.
- The input field is empty.
Based on these factors, perform the following debugging steps for issues that might cause the form autofill feature to work improperly:
Dialogs not enabled
When Voice AI detects an entity during a conversation, the Interaction Portal displays the detected entity in the same section that also displays dialogs. If dialogs are disabled, this section is not displayed, and Voice AI does not populate the entities in the case fields. Therefore, for form autofill to work, you must enable dialogs for inbound calls.
To enable dialogs, in App Studio, in inbound call interaction settings, ensure that the Dialog checkbox is selected.
For more information about configuring interaction settings, see Configuring interaction type settings.
Entity not detected
To ensure that Voice AI detects entities, configure and train your Voice AI model. Out-of-the-box entity models, such as pySystemEntities, do not require training. However, new custom entity types, such as car models in the case of a car manufacturing company, require additional training. For more information about custom model training, see Customizing the Voice AI model.
Entity has expired
You can configure entities to expire within a specific number of seconds after Voice AI detects them. If Voice AI has detected an entity, but its expiration time has lapsed, Voice AI does not autofill the entity. The entity remains on the entity panel for CSRs to manually insert. For more information, see the description of the Entity expiration property in Configuring the Voice AI configuration set.
Service case not in progress
Voice AI autofills entities only for service cases that are in progress.
Entities not mapped to service case properties
Voice AI autofills only entities that you map to specific case properties. Ensure that you have mapped entities to case properties on the Entities extraction tab for the case suggestion in the Voice AI channel. For more information, see Configuring case suggestions.
Input fields not visible on screen
Voice AI autofills only fields that are on the screen as part of the current flow action. Voice AI evaluates the list of entities when a screen loads and detects new entities in real time while the screen is visible.
Input fields not empty
Voice AI adds entities only to empty input fields. If an input field has a preset value, Voice AI does not replace the value.
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