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Suggested replies configuration

Updated on March 16, 2021

Suggested replies are the automated responses that the Augmented agent sends the customer service representative (CSR) for customer utterances during the live CSR-customer interaction. As a CSR admin, you can configure common phrases and work with the suggested reply simulator in the suggested replies section.

Pega Customer Service Implementation Guide
To configure suggested replies, perform the following steps:
  1. Under the Suggested replies section, the system displays the following components when you select the Enable suggested replies check box.
    • Common phrases
    • Page push
    • Knowledge articles/discussions
    Note: Before configuring the suggested replies components, the system displays those components' status as "Off" under the suggested replies section. Once you enable the suggested replies components, the system changes the corresponding components' status to "On." However, "Page push" and "Knowledge articles/discussions" options are disabled out-of-the box and have the status "Off," by default.
  2. To enable the settings of the suggested replies components, click Suggested reply settings (gear) icon. The systems displays the Suggested replies dialog box.
  3. In the Suggested replies dialog box, perform the following steps:
    1. To include common phrases in the replies that Augmented agent suggests to the CSR, select the Common phrases check box.
      For example: When the customer enters any of the following questions:
      • What happens to my bill when I pause my service?
      • What is my financial impact when I pause the service?
      • Is there any fee for pausing my service?
      The agent suggests the following response from Common phrases: You will be charged a nominal fee of $20 for pausing the service. Do you want to go ahead and pause the service?

      You can pre-train the common phrases against the customer utterances in the Interaction Portal. When a customer enters a question, the agent matches the text in the question to a pattern. The agent then suggests a relevant response to the CSR.

      For more information on configuring common phrases, see Configuring common phrases for Augmented agent.
      Note: Page push and Knowledge articles/discussions check boxes are disabled, by default.
    2. To set the confidence threshold score for the replies that the Augmented agent suggests to CSRs, move the Confidence threshold score needed to suggest replies to agents slider.
      Note: Customer Decision Hub (CDH) gives a score that Augmented agent provides to the CSR, based on the relevance of the suggested reply to the customer utterances in the chat session. When the confidence score exceeds the threshold that you set, the Augmented agent suggests the response to the CSR. If the score is below the threshold value, then there is no suggestion. If you disable the CDH option, the suggested replies work using topic models instead of adaptive models.
    3. To send automatic suggestions as responses when the confidence threshold for an automatic response is reached, select the Allow auto-response check box.
      When you select the Allow auto-response check box, the Augmented agent automatically sends replies to the end-user as the suggested replies' accuracy increases and the confidence level exceeds the specified threshold. When you enable CDH, the system displays the Respond to end-users automatically at slider. However, when you disable CDH, the system does not display the Respond to end-users automatically at slider. The system displays a message Adaptive technology feature for augmented agent suggested reply is disabled as CDH license is missing. When using the Allow auto-response option, a CSR cannot edit or cancel a response.
    4. Optional: To set the confidence threshold score that triggers the automatic responses, move the Respond to end-users automatically at slider.
    Note: This step is applicable only when CDH is enabled.
  4. To save the changes, click Submit.
Result: The system displays the status of the selected suggested replies components as On.

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