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Supervisor monitoring using Manager tools

Updated on April 27, 2021

To better manage customer service representatives (CSRs) across queues and reduce customer waiting times, contact center managers can use the Queue monitor and the CSR monitor in the Interaction Portal's Manager Tools section. The Queue monitor shows the activity levels of each queue, with all relevant details. The Queue monitor allows you to add/remove CSRs to/from the queue based on their occupancy. The CSR monitor also provides a detailed view of the workload of each CSR reporting to you. The Manager Tools section also provides an option to monitor messaging system health.

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To view details about the system, click Manager Tools in the navigation pane of the Interaction Portal. The Manager Tools section provides the following options:

  • Queues
  • CSRs
  • Messaging system health

Monitoring queues

Using the Queue monitor, managers can determine when to add a Customer Service Representative (CSR) to a queue based on the level of activity in each queue and the availability of qualified CSRs.

The Queue monitor helps managers identify the level of activity in each queue by displaying the most highly-occupied queues at the top of the list. Each queue has a color code that describes its occupancy percentage. The Occupancy is the percentage of queue occupancy, deduced using the following formula:

Queue occupancy = (Sum of the active conversations of all CSRs across all queues / Sum of the max concurrency of all CSRs on a queue) * 100

For example, consider two CSRs, CSR1 and CSR 2, who are conversing with customers in the "Billing" queue. The following table illustrates the queue occupancy of the "Billing" queue:

Queue occupancy of the Billing queue

Max concurrency of a CSR in Billing queueActive conversations of a CSR across all queues
CSR 131
CSR 231
Sum of the max concurrency of all CSRs on Billing queue (A)6
Sum of the active conversations of all CSRs across all queues (B) 2
Queue occupancy of the Billing queue( B/A) * 100 = 33%

The following table describes the details displayed in the Queue monitor:

OccupancyThe percentage of queue occupancy. The values are color-coded based on occupancy percentage.
  • Red: Queue occupancy is equal to or greater than 80%.
  • Orange: Queue occupancy is between 60% and 80%.
  • Green: Queue occupancy is less than 60%.
QueuesThe name of the queue.
Current wait timeThe estimated wait time in minutes to assign a new escalation from the queue to a CSR.
Queued conversationsThe total number of conversations in the queue that have no CSRs assigned yet.
Active conversationsThe total number of ongoing conversations assigned to CSRs in the queue that are unresolved. The conversation remains active even if the CSR handling the interaction becomes unavailable.
Active CSRsThe total number of CSRs currently logged into the queue and are available.
CSRs available to joinThe total number of available, qualified CSRs having the occupancy percentage to join the queue.
Manage CSRsTo add or remove CSRs from a specific queue. CSRs receive notifications whenever they are added or deleted from a queue.

Managing CSRs

Contact center managers can use the Queue monitor to add customer service representatives (CSRs) to busy queues to balance the queue's workload. For example, consider that the contact center's Technical queue is experiencing high traffic with a limited number of CSRs handling the incoming conversations. In that case, the manager can address this situation by adding more qualified CSRs to the queue. Similarly, the manager can free CSRs by removing them from the queue if the CSR has more load or the CSR is unqualified for a specific skill

  1. Log in to the Interaction Portal as a manager.
  2. In the left navigation pane, click Manager Tools.
  3. In the Queue monitor section, click Manage CSRs to add/remove CSRs to/from a specific queue.
  4. Under the Manager Billing CSRs section, perform the following steps:
    1. In the CSRs who can join the queue section, click Add for a specific CSR to join the queue.
      Result: The system adds the selected CSR to the CSRs currently in the queue section.
    2. In the CSRs currently in the queue section, click Remove to remove a specific CSR from the queue.
      Result: The system adds the CSR to the CSRs who can join the queue section.
  5. Optional: To add more CSRs to the queue to balance the workload among the CSRs, repeat step 4a.
  6. To remove more CSRs from the queue, repeat step 4b.

Monitoring CSR work

The CSR monitor gives managers a detailed view of the current workload of their customer service representatives (CSRs). Pega Customer Service calculates the occupancy percentage of a CSR based on the maximum concurrent conversations (Total capacity) and the currently active conversation that they are handling.

The CSR monitor displays the details for each CSR, as shown in the following table:

CSR occupancyTotal CSR occupancy across all queues. CSR occupancy percentage is calculated using the following formula: (Active conversations/Total capacity) *100. The system indicates the percentage of the CSR occupancy with a color-coded indicator.
  • Red: The occupancy status of the CSR is greater than or equal to 80%.
  • Orange: The occupancy status of the CSR is between 60% and 80%.
  • Green: The occupancy status of the CSR is less than 60%.
CSRsThe name of the CSR.
Associated queues

The number of skill-based queues that associate with a CSR.

The CSR can view associated queues by clicking the message icon on the Interaction Portal header and then clicking Manage queues. Under the Queues section, the system displays a list of associated queues for that CSR. The CSR can choose to join any queue from the displayed queues under that section.

Note: The CSR doesn't need to join all the associated queues.

For example, suppose the system displays three queues- Billing, General, and Technical, for a specific CSR under the Queues section. In that case, the CSR can choose to join Billing and Technical queues only. Under Manager ToolsCSRs, the system displays a number "3" for the Associated queues field and a number "2" for the Joined queues field.

Note: To associate more number of queues to a CSR, log in to App Studio, and then click SettingsChat and messagingQueues. On the Queues page, add a queue, and then click Save. For more information on adding queues, see Configuring chat and messaging queues.
StatusThe system displays the following statuses for CSR availability:
  • Offline: When the CSR has not joined any queue, the system displays the message icon in the red color and provides a tooltip Agent not available. The system displays the CSR's status as "Offline."
  • Unavailable: When the CSR joins a queue but does not select the Make me available option by clicking the message icon on the Interaction Portal header, the system displays the message icon in the yellow, and a tooltip Agent joined the queues on the message icon. The system displays the CSR's status as "Unavailable."
  • Available: When the CSR joins the queue and selects the Make me available option by clicking the message icon on the Interaction Portal header, the system displays the message icon in the green color and provides a tooltip Agent is available. The system displays the CSR's status as "Available."
  • Note: The available CSR can change the status to unavailable by clicking the message icon on the Interaction Portal header and selecting the "Make me unavailable" option.
Joined queuesThe number of queues that the CSR has currently joined.
Total capacityThe maximum conversations that a CSR can handle at any given time. The system displays the CSR's total capacity in the Interaction Portal by retrieving the value from the operator concurrency. In case the operator concurrency is absent, the system displays the value of global concurrency in the Total capacity field.
Note: Operator-level concurrency takes precedence over global-level concurrency while displaying the CSR's total capacity.

To configure the total capacity/maximum concurrency at the operator level, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to App Studio.
  2. In the navigation pane of App Studio, click UsersPeople, and then select the desired user from a list of available users.
  3. For the desired user, set a value for the Max concurrent conversations field in the Chat and messaging section.
  4. Click Save.
To configure the total capacity/maximum concurrency at the global level, perform the following steps:
  1. Navigate to App Studio.
  2. In the navigation pane of App Studio, click SettingsChat and messaging.
  3. In the Settings: Chat and messaging section, click the Routing tab.
  4. On the Routing page, in the Global Concurrency Limit & Conditional Screenpop Behaviors section, in the Max number of concurrent conversations allowed per CSR field, enter a value to set a CSR's global-level concurrency.
  5. Click Save.

Messaging system health

The contact center provides you with the operational status of chat and messaging operations, confirming that the system appropriately routes the incoming work to agents during business hours. The Messaging system health icon in the Interaction Portal's header, which updates every five minutes, reflects high-level system health.

The system displays the status of the Messaging system health icon as follows:

Color-code StatusDescription
GreenOperationalThe system is normal and in an operational state.
YellowConcernThere is one or more issues with the system.
RedOutageThere is one or more outages in the system.

To view the detailed messaging system health, in the navigation pane of the Interaction Portal, click Manager Tools, and then click the Messaging system health tab.

On the Messaging system health tab, the system displays operational status of the Interaction summary and the Routing engine summary along with their details.

Interaction summary

The Interaction summary records the summary of the incoming chats and messages, such as the following:

ChannelsDisplays the type of channel.
Total incomingThe total incoming interactions over the last business hour.
No. of expired The number of expired interactions over the last business hour. The interaction expires when the CSR neither accepts nor declines it.
No. of abandonedThe number of abandoned interactions over the last business hour. An interaction is abandoned when the customer leaves the interaction before the CSR accepts it.
No of declined The number of interactions that CSRs declined over the last business hour.
% of issuesThe percentage of issues is calculated using the following formula: (No. of expired + No. of abandoned + No. of expired)/Total incoming * 100

Color codes for Interaction summary

Green OperationalThe total percentage of expired, abandoned, and declined incoming messages over the last business hour is less than but not equal to 10%.
Yellow ConcernThe total percentage of expired, abandoned, and declined incoming messages over the last business hour is between 10% and 70%.
Red OutageThe total percentage of expired, abandoned, and declined incoming messages over the last business hour is greater than 70%.

Routing engine summary

The Routing engine summary provides details of queue processors and stream nodes.

Queue Processors: A Queue Processor rule is an internal background process on the server that you can use for queue management and asynchronous processing. For more information, see Queue Processor rules.

Queue Processors

Name The name of the queue processor.
State The state of the queue processors. The default state is Running when the queue processor is operational.
ThroughputThe number of messages per minute.

Color codes for Queue Processors

GreenOperationalAll services are running.
YellowConcernOne of the two routing services reports displays an inactive or stopped state.
RedOutageBoth routing services report as stopped.
Stream Nodes: A Queue Processor rule requires at least one stream node to run. Without a stream node, messages cannot be queued to or retrieved from the Kafka server. For more information on stream nodes, see Stream node configurations for a queue processor rule.

Stream Nodes

Node IDThe identification number of the node in the cluster.
StateDisplays the current state of the stream node. By default, the system displays the state as "NORMAL" when the stream node is in the operational state. For more information on different states of nodes, see Status of decision management nodes.
AddressThe IP address of the stream node.

Color codes for Stream Nodes

GreenOperationalThe statuses of all stream nodes are normal.
YellowConcernSome nodes are in the process of booting up to join the application for service and are not yet available to handle message interactions.
RedOutageOne or more nodes report as failed.

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