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Completing the technical setup for remote case types

Updated on July 13, 2022

A system architect or other technical resource completes the technical setup that is required to support remote case type processing.

Pega Customer Service Implementation Guide Pega Customer Service Implementation Guide Pega Customer Service Implementation Guide Pega Customer Service Implementation Guide Pega Customer Service Implementation Guide Pega Customer Service Implementation Guide Pega Customer Service Implementation Guide
  1. In the remote application, configure the remote case type so that Pega Customer Service can launch it from the Interaction Portal.
  2. In the remote application, configure the required settings for communication between the remote and local application, including the Web Mashup channels.
  3. In the local application, add a remote system instance to enable communication with the remote application.
  4. In the local application, identify the Web Mashup channels for the remote application.

Configuring remote case types

Configure the remote case type so that Pega Customer Service can make that case type available from the Interaction Portal. Mark it as a remote case type, and then map the properties that the system sends to and receives from the local application.

  1. Log in to the remote application as an administrator, and then open Dev Studio.
  2. In the navigation pane of Dev Studio, click RecordsProcessCase Type, and then open the pyDefault case type rule in the case type class, for example, PegaCard-Sd-Claim.
  3. Click the Advanced tab, and then select the Publish as a remote case checkbox.
  4. Select the Permit new work checkbox.
    Remote case type setup
    Class settings that expose the class as a remote case type
  5. In the List properties to initialize for instantiation section, click the Add item icon to select the properties required to instantiate this case type.
  6. In the List properties to expose for UI interactions section, click the Add item icon to select the properties that the system populates when a CSR saves data for this remote case type.

    The remote application exposes several properties in the remote case type for UI interactions. For information, see Remote case type properties for UI interactions.

    The following figure shows an example of the property mappings for a remote case type.

    Remote case type properties to expose
    Identify which remote case type properties will share data with the local application
  7. Click Save.
For example:

This video demonstrates how to expose a case type in the remote application as a remote case type:

Remote case type properties for UI interactions

By default, the remote application exposes several properties in the remote case type for UI interactions. The Customer Service Remote Template provides the wrapper case type with default properties to hold those properties.

Mapping the exposed remote case type properties to properties from the template

Remote case type properties exposed for UI interactionsWrapper case type properties that hold values from the remote case

To ensure that the remote properties are available to the wrapper case type, perform the following actions:

  • Ensure that the remote application harness includes the Work-pyCaseMain section and is not overridden. The pyCaseMain calls the pxDataFields section internally, which then loads the default properties.
  • In the remote application, create the work object (remote case) as a concrete case and not a temporary case. If the remote case is temporary, the application will not populate the czRemote* properties correctly.

In the pxDataFields section, the system loads custom properties that are exposed for UI interactions on the remote case type as hidden fields.

Configuring the remote application

Configure the remote application to communicate with the local application.

Perform the following tasks to configure the remote application:
  • Configure the trusted domains for mashup security
  • Enable samesite cookies
  • Configure authentication
  • Create the Web mashup channels
  1. Log in to the remote application as an administrator.
  2. Configure the trusted domains for mashup security.
    This step adds incoming requests from the local application to the Allow list for the remote application.
    1. In the header of Dev Studio, click ApplicationDefinition, and then click the Security tab.
    2. In the Mashup security section, click Add a row.
    3. In the Trusted origin field, enter a URL that identifies the host, port, and protocol for the local application's website.
      For example:
      Mashup security trusted domains
      Configuring the trusted domains for Mashup security in the remote application definition

      This video demonstrates how to configure the trusted domains for mashup security:

    4. Repeat the previous step for each of the local application's websites.
    5. Click Save.
  3. For remote applications that use cross-domain mashup, enable the samesite cookie attribute to prevent cross-site request forgery.
    1. In the header of Dev Studio, click ConfigureSystemSettingsCross-Site Request Forgery.
    2. Select the Enable samesite cookie attribute checkbox.
      Enable samesite cookie attribute
      The setting to enable the samesite cookie attribute
    3. Click Save.
      For example:

      This video demonstrates how to enable the samesite cookie attribute:

  4. Add the operator or operators for the local application so that they can access the remote application.

    You can configure one operator for all users of the local application, or you can configure one operator for each user of the local application.

    • If you create one operator for all users, then for each remote case type, map the local application credentials to the remote application credentials in the remote case settings. For more information and an example, see Configuring remote case settings.
    • If you create one operator per user, then use the same operator ID and password for the remote and local applications.

    The local operator will need to log in to the remote application to process a remote case type. The access group for the remote operator should have minimum access to the user portal. For information about how to add a new operator, see Creating an operator ID.

  5. For version 8.5 and later remote applications, create the mashup channels for both new work and open work.
    The mashup channels help to prevent URL tampering.
    1. In the navigation pane of App Studio, click Channels.
    2. In the Create new channel interface section, click Web mashup.
    3. Create two mashup channels, one for open work and one for new work, and enable the Allow passing dynamic parameters setting for each channel.

      For more information, see Creating a mashup.

      Example mashup channel
      Mashup channel for new work
    4. For each channel, click General mashup code, and then copy the channel ID from the resulting code.

      In the mashup code, the channel ID is displayed in the line that starts with data-pega-channelID. Enter these values in the local application's pySetFCMMashupChannelMeta data transform to connect to the Web Mashup channels. For information, see Connecting to mashup channels.

    5. Click Save.
      For example:

      This video demonstrates how to configure the Web mashup channels:

Adding a remote system instance

To enable communication between the local application and the remote application, add a new remote system instance to the local application.

  1. Log in to the local application as an administrator, and open Dev Studio.
  2. In the navigation pane of Dev Studio, click RecordsSysAdminRemote System.
  3. Click Create.
  4. On the New tab, in the Remote system short description field, enter a meaningful description of the system.
  5. In the System Name field, enter the name of the system.
  6. Click Create and open.
  7. Select the Connect using mashup radio button.
  8. In the Connect using mashup section, in the System URL field, enter the URL of the remote application.
    Note: The URL must end in /prweb/ to ensure that the local application can connect to the remote application.
  9. In the Application name field, enter the name of the remote application.
    Remote system instance
    Create a remote system instance to connect to the remote application
  10. Click Save.
For example:

This video demonstrates how to create a new remote system instance:

Connecting to mashup channels

If you are connecting to a version 8.5 or later remote application, use Dev Studio to connect your local application to the Web mashup channels that you configured in your remote application.

This procedure requires the channel IDs that you copied from the Web mashup code. For more information, see Configuring the remote application.
  1. Log in to the local application as an administrator.
  2. In the header of Dev Studio, search for and open the pySetFCMMashupChannelMeta data transform.
  3. Set the pyChannelIDCreateNewWork property to the channel ID for new work.
  4. Set the pyChannelIDOpenWorkByHandle property to the channel ID for open work.
    Channel ID setup
    Select the channel ID for new and open work
  5. Click Save.
For example:

This video demonstrates how to connect the local application to the Web mashup channels:

Extensions and limitations

The Customer Service Remote Template provides the local wrapper case type with extension points. In addition, remote case processing has known limitations to consider.

Extensions for wrapper case types

The following table shows the extensions available for the wrapper case type. Extensions included in the Customer Service Remote Template are noted.

Rule nameRule typeUsage
pyCaption Process remote requestField valueChange the flow action name used for process remote request flow action.
PegaCA-Work-Service WhatsNextDecision TreeBased on the business scenarios, set the conditions to render the What’s Next details in the confirm page. Included in the Customer Service Remote Template.
PegaCA-Work-Service WorkSummarySectionWork summary of the case displayed in the confirm page. Included in the Customer Service Remote Template.
Work- cyReviewCaseDetailsSectionUsed in the review page to display the general information for a case.
PegaCA-Work-Service CAWorkSpecificSectionUsed to include details about the work object (case) on the confirm and review pages. Override in each work object class with details required for display for that object. Included in the Customer Service Remote Template.
style-remote-layoutCSS helper classCSS helper class on the mashup div that you can customize on the implementation application to style the mashup frame.

PegaCA-Work-Service-Remote ProcessRemoteRequestExtn

SectionExtension section for remote scenario, to show additional information when the system processes the remote case.
PreRemoteProcessingActivityExtension rule for the implementation layer to update, if anything needs to be updated before remote case processing.
PostRemoteProcessingActivityExtension rule for the implementation layer to update, if anything needs to be updated after remote case processing.


Remote case processing has the following limitations:

  • The status of the local case remains unchanged even if the corresponding remote case was processed in the remote application. The project team must build the system for the syncing up of the local case with the remote case.

  • The Web Mashup supports basic authentication (username and password) only.

  • In the remote application, create the work object (remote case) as a concrete case and not a temporary case. If the remote case is a temporary one, the application will not populate czRemote* properties in the wrapper case type correctly.

  • The properties being delegated across the work object are scalar and available as the immediate child of the work object (that is, the case).


Pega Customer Service 8.7 Pega Customer Service for Communications 8.7 Pega Customer Service for Financial Services 8.7 Pega Customer Service for Healthcare 8.7 Pega Customer Service for Insurance 8.7

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