Creating a REST integration by using the Integration wizard
Create data sources in your application by using standard methods to obtain data from external REST services. When you use the Create REST Integration wizard to create a data source, the system generates the records that are required to use the data source. These records include classes, properties, mapping rules, data transforms, a connector, a data page, and optionally, an authentication profile, and an OAuth 2.0 provider.
For more information about running the Integration wizard, see Creating a REST integration.
Configuring a REST connection
Configure the connection of your system with the external REST service on the Connection page of the Create REST Integration wizard.
- In the header of Dev Studio, click .
- In the System details section, in the Name field, enter the name of the source system. This field represents the name of the system that hosts the external REST service.
- In the Endpoint URL field, enter the endpoint URL of the
external REST service.Enter the endpoint URL from the service REST rule that you already have set up or that you created in Creating a service REST rule. The system analyzes this URL and suggests the elements of the URL that represent resource path parameters and query string parameters, and in this scenario-based example, contacts.
- Optional: To update the suggested resource path names, in the Resource
path section, click Add component, and
then select the Parameter check box next to each resource
path name that is a parameter.The resource parameters identified by the system are static and not going to change. If there is a component that might change, select the check box next to it to consider it a parameter. The system updates the endpoint URL accordingly. If you mark a resource path name as a parameter, the system generates a property as part of the request data model and substitutes the property's value for the value of the parameter at run time. The parameter is displayed in curly braces in the endpoint URL.
- Click Next.
Selecting methods for REST integration
Choose the standard methods to use for the creation of a data source in your application and override the headers and query string parameters for each method on the Resource methods page of the Create REST Integration wizard.
- In the Resource section, in the Name field, enter the name of the resource that you want to access by using the external REST service.
- In the Methods supported section, select the Get method.
- Click Next.
Defining a data model for REST integration
Define the data model for your REST integration by adding a REST response or uploading a file on the Data model page of the Create REST Integration wizard. The system parses sample requests and responses to determine the data model.
- Define the data model by clicking Add a REST response
and completing the following tasks in the Add a REST
response dialog:The system populates the Choose method field with GET method.
- In the Value field for the ContactId parameter, enter the parameter value.
- Click Run to test the system response.
- Review the REST response.
- If there are no errors and the system returns values and code 200, click Submit.
- Click Next.
Updating and generating records for REST integration
Review and update the information for the integration and data layers of your REST integration and generate the records for these layers on the Review page of the Create REST Integration wizard. At this point, you specify where the data and integration assets are to be created.
- Review the prepopulated integration information and make updates, if
- In the Integration layer section, in the
ID field, if the number of characters in the
integration layer ID is longer than 25 characters, click the
Edit icon next to the field, shorten the name, and
then click OK.
- In the Data layer section, in the Map to an
application data type field, select Skip (I'll do it
- Optional: To see a summary of the records that the system creates to provision your REST integration, click Preview records.
- To generate records for your REST integration and the related data layer, click
Create.The system creates a connector activity, a ruleset (only if you choose not to use the existing ruleset), classes, and a data object called GetContact.
Reviewing the record generation summary
Review the records that were created for your REST integration and their location on the Generation Summary page of the Create REST Integration wizard. You can review the record generation summary when the record generation is in progress, and after the records are generated.
- Review the Generation Summary page details.
- Open the GetContact data source and review the elements
created by the wizard.The system created a connect REST with end points, parameters, and all other required information.
- Click Close to exit the wizard.
Previous topic Optional: Viewing the data model Next topic Changing the data source of a data page