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Mobile Messaging SDK configuration in your Android app project

Updated on April 11, 2023

Pega Customer Service Implementation Guide Pega Customer Service Implementation Guide
Before you begin: To set up Mobile Messaging SDK in your Android app project in Android Studio, you need the following artifacts:
  • Pega Platform™: 8.7 or higher

  • CRM/CS: 8.7 or higher

  • Android: 7.0 or higher

  • API level: minimum 24

  • Android Studio version: Arctic Fox (2020.3.1) or higher

Manual installation of Mobile Messaging SDK

Integrate Mobile Messaging SDK with your Android app by using Fragments (recommended) and Views.

Note: You can host chat only in FragmentActivity or one of its super types.

To integrate Mobile Messaging SDK with your Android app, perform the following steps:

  1. Extract the content of the SDK file (
  2. Add dependency to library in your build.gradle.kts file.
    dependencies { 
     ... implementation("")  
    ... } 

    The following line needs to be included in application configuration:

    android { 
        buildFeatures { 
            dataBinding = true 
  3. If your target application's minimum SDK is lower than 26 then desugaring feature must be enabled.
    android { 
        compileOptions { 
            coreLibraryDesugaringEnabled = true 
            sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 
            targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 
    dependencies { 
  4. In the top-level build.gradle.kts file, add the following code:
    allprojects { 
        repositories { 
            maven(url = “/full/path/to/MobileMessagingSDK-Android-v1.0.3”) 

Implementation using Fragments

Mobile Messaging SDK provides an abstract fragment class, which you can implement and use as a standard Android fragment.


Add the following Java code to your Android project to implement server configuration and authentication:

 class MyChatFragment : ChatFragment() 
  override fun configuration() = ChatConfiguration 
   apiUrl = "...", 
   apiId = "...",  
   customerToken = "...",  
   authToken = 
   it: Application -> /* Obtain authentication token */ token } ) 

Implementation using Views

Mobile Messaging SDK provides the class which you can use as a standard Android view. To use this view, call the ChatView.onCreate method as soon as possible, for example, in the onCreate method for Activities or onViewCreated for Fragments.

tools:context=".MainActivity" > 

android:layout_height="match_parent" /> 



The following Java code shows the activity implementation in Views, which also requires server configuration and authentication:

import android.os.Bundle 
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() 
  override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) 
  findViewById<ChatView>(, ChatConfiguration
  ( apiUrl= "...", apiId = "...", customerToken = "...", 
   authToken = { it: Application -> /* Obtain authentication token */ 
  token } ) ) 
} ... } 

In your Java code, ensure that you provide values for the apiURL and apiId variables based on what the system generated in step 5a in the Creating an Android app connection section.

UI customization

You can customize the chat view by overriding Chat.Theme and specifying new values for the defined attributes. You can find the available attributes in the tables at the end of this section.

Note: ‘Chat.Theme’ must be parentless.

<resources> … 
      <style name= “Chat.Theme”> 
      <item name=”[attributeName]”>[value]</item> 

Attributes common for all messages

The following figure illustrates the common attributes for messages, such as text size, margins, message background, font family, and other attributes mentioned in the table.

Attributes common for all messages
Attributes common for all messages
chatMassageMarginVertical Dimension Vertical margin for the whole message, including content and footer
chatMassageMarginHorizontal Dimension Horizontal margin for the whole message, including content and footer
chatMassageMarginHorizontalOpposite Dimension

End margin for received and start margin for sent messages

chatMessageFontFamily String Font family of the chat message text
chatMessageTextSizeDimension Size of the chat message text
chatMessagePaddingVerticalDimension Vertical padding of the chat message content
chatMessagePaddingHorizontalDimension Horizontal padding of the chat message content
chatReceivedMessageTextColorReference or color Text color of the received message
chatReceivedMessageBackground Reference or color Background of the received message
chatReceivedMessageBackgroundColorColorBackground color of the received message; irrelevant if chatReceivedMessageBackground is customized
chatSentMessageTextColorReference or colorText color of the sent message
chatSentMessageBackgroundReference or colorBackground of the sent message
chatSentMessageBackgroundColorColorBackground color of the received message; irrelevant, if chatSentMessageBackground is customized
chatMessageFooterFontFamilyStringFont family for the footer text of the message
chatMessageFooterTextSizeDimensionText size of the message footer
chatMessageFooterTextColorReference or colorText color of the message footer
chatMessageFooterPaddingTopDimensionTop padding of the message footer
chatMessageFooterPaddingBottomDimensionBottom padding of the message footer
chatMessageFooterPaddingStartDimensionStart padding of the message footer
chatMessageFooterPaddingEndDimensionEnd padding of the message footer
chatMessageTypingDrawableReferenceDrawable for received typing indicator; `Animatable` will be looped

Image messages

The following figure illustrates the attributes of the image messages, such as maximum image height and image shape:

Attributes for images
Attributes for Images
chatMessageImageMaxHeightDimensionMaximum height of attached image; maximum width is related to chatMassageMarginHorizontalOpposite
chatMessageImageShapeReference or colorShape of the attached image, which corresponds to the android:background property

Document attachments

The following figure illustrates the attributes of document attachments, such as attachment name font family, attachment description, text size, and other attributes mentioned in the following table:

Attributes for document attachments
Attributes for document attachments
chatMessageAttachmentNameFontFamilyStringFont family of the document name
chatMessageAttachmentDescriptionFontFamilyStringFont family of the document description
chatMessageAttachmentDescriptionTextSizeDimensionText size for document description
chatMessageAttachmentIconReferenceIcon displayed before the attachment name; tint is inherited from text color
chatMessageAttachmentIconSizeDimensionSize of icon that is displayed in front of attachment name
chatMessageAttachmentIconMarginDimensionSpace between the icon and the attachment name
chatMessageAttachmentDownloadIconReferenceDownload icon for the received attachment; tint is inherited from the text color.


The following figure illustrates the attributes of a menu, such as menu item font family, menu item text size, text color of the menu item, and other attributes mentioned in the following table:

Attributes for menu
Attributes for menu messages
chatMessageMenuItemFontFamilyStringFont family of the menu items text
chatMessageMenuItemTextSizeDimensionText size of the menu items
chatMessageMenuItemTextColorColorDefault text color of menu items
chatMessageMenuItemTextColorSelectedColorText color of the selected option
chatMessageMenuItemBackgroundReference or colorBackground of menu items
chatMessageMenuItemBackgroundColorColorDefault background color of the menu option; irrelevant if chatMessageMenuItemBackground is customized
chatMessageMenuItemBackgroundColorSelectedColorBackground color of the selected menu option; irrelevant if chatMessageMenuItemBackground is customized
chatMessageMenuItemHeightDimensionMinimum height of the menu option
chatMessageMenuItemDividerHeightDimensionVertical margin between successive menu options

Link button

The following figure illustrates the attributes of a link button, such as font family, text size, and other attributes explained in the following table:

Attributes for link button
Attributes for link button
chatMessageLinkButtonFontFamilyStringFont family of the link button text
chatMessageLinkButtonTextSize DimensionText size of the link button text
chatMessageLinkButtonTextColorColorColor of the link button text
chatMessageLinkButtonBackgroundReference or colorBackground for the link button
chatMessageLinkButtonBackgroundColor ColorDefault background color of the link button (irrelevant, if chatMessageLinkButtonBackground is customized)
chatMessageLinkButtonHeight DimensionHeight of the link button
chatMessageLinkButtonIconReferenceIcon displayed after link button text (tint is inherited from text color)

Scroll down floating action button

The following table shows the attributes of a floating action button, such as font family, button text, text size, and other attributes:

chatFabTextStringText on the floating action button
chatFabFontFamilyStringFont family of the text on the floating action button
chatFabTextSizeDimensionSize of the text on the button
chatFabTextColorReference or colorText color and icon color of the button
chatFabBackgroundColorColorBackground color of button
chatFabMarginDimensionMargin between buttons and input section
chatFabIconReferenceIcon on the button
chatFabIconSizeDimensionSize of icon
chatFabCollapsedSizeDimensionSize of the shrunken button

Input text area

The following figure illustrates the attributes of the input text area where the CSR types the message and sends it to the user. The attributes in the following table are of the input text area:

Attributes of the input text area
Attributes for input text area
chatInputDividerColorColorColor of line separating message list from the input section
chatInputMarginVerticalDimensionVertical margin for the whole input section
chatInputMarginHorizontalDimensionHorizontal margin for the whole input section
chatInputPaddingTopDimensionTop padding of the chat text input
chatInputPaddingBottomDimensionBottom padding of the chat text input
chatInputPaddingStartDimensionStart padding of the chat text input
chatInputPaddingEndDimensionEnd padding of the chat text input
chatInputFontFamilyStringFont family of the chat text input
chatInputTextSizeDimensionText size of the chat text input
chatInputTextColorReference or colorText color of the text input
chatInputMaxHeightDimensionMaximum height of the chat text input
chatInputButtonSizeDimensionSize of buttons in the input section
chatInputButtonPaddingDimensionPadding of buttons in the input section
chatInputSendButtonIconReferenceIcon for the Send button
chatInputSendButtonIconColorColorDefault color for the Send button
chatInputSendButtonIconColorPressedColorColor of the send button icon in the pressed state
chatInputSendButtonIconColorDisabledColorColor of the send button icon in the disabled state
chatInputSendButtonBackgroundReference or colorBackground of the send button
chatInputSendButtonBackgroundColorColorDefault background color of the send button; irrelevant if chatInputSendButtonBackground is customized
chatInputSendButtonBackgroundColorPressedColorBackground color of the send button in the pressed state; irrelevant, if chatInputSendButtonBackground is customized
chatInputSendButtonBackgroundColorDisabledColorBackground color of the send button in the disabled state; irrelevant if chatInputSendButtonBackground is customized
chatInputAttachmentButtonIconReferenceIcon for the select attachment button
chatInputAttachmentButtonIconColorColorDefault color of the select attachment button icon
chatInputAttachmentButtonIconColorPressedColorIcon color of the select attachment button in the pressed state
chatInputAttachmentButtonIconColorDisabledColorIcon color of the select attachment button in the disabled state
chatInputAttachmentButtonBackgroundReference|colorIcon color of the select attachment button
chatInputAttachmentButtonBackgroundColorColorDefault background color of the select attachment button; irrelevant if chatInputAttachmentButtonBackground is customized
chatInputAttachmentButtonBackgroundColorPressedColorBackground color of the select attachment button in the pressed state; irrelevant if chatInputAttachmentButtonBackground is customized
chatInputAttachmentButtonBackgroundColorDisabledColorBackground color of the select attachment button in disabled state; irrelevant if chatInputAttachmentButtonBackground is customized
chatInputAttachmentButtonIconReferenceIcon for the select attachment button
chatInputAttachmentButtonIconColorColordefault icon color for the select attachment button
chatInputAttachmentButtonIconColorPressedColorIcon color of the select attachment button in pressed state
chatInputAttachmentButtonIconColorDisabledColorIcon color of the select attachment button in disabled state
chatInputAttachmentButtonBackgroundReference or colorIcon color of the select attachment button
chatInputAttachmentButtonBackgroundColorColorDefault background color of select attachment button; irrelevant if chatInputAttachmentButtonBackground is customized
chatInputAttachmentButtonBackgroundColorPressedColorBackground color of the select attachment button in pressed state; irrelevant if chatInputAttachmentButtonBackground is customized
chatInputAttachmentButtonBackgroundColorDisabledColorBackground color of the select attachment button in disabled state; irrelevant if chatInputAttachmentButtonBackground is customized

Selected attachments

The following figure illustrates the attributes of the selected attachments in the Web Messaging:

Attributes for selected attachments
Attributes for selected attachments
chatSelectedAttachmentSizeDimensionSize of the selected attachment--image, document, or error
chatSelectedAttachmentCancelButtonMarginDimensionTop and end margin of the attachment content to match cancel button
chatSelectedAttachmentCancelButtonSizeDimensionCancel button size
chatSelectedAttachmentCancelButtonIconReferenceCancel button icon
chatSelectedAttachmentImageBackgroundReference or colorBackground of the selected image preview
chatSelectedAttachmentDocumentBackgroundReference or colorBackground of the selected document
chatSelectedAttachmentDocumentBackgroundColorColorBackground color of the selected document; irrelevant if chatSelectedAttachmentDocumentBackground is customized
chatSelectedAttachmentDocumentBackgroundStrokeColorColorStroke color of the selected document stroke color; irrelevant if chatSelectedAttachmentDocumentBackground is customized
chatSelectedAttachmentErrorBackgroundReference or colorBackground for error during attachment selection
chatSelectedAttachmentErrorBackgroundColorColorBackground color for error during attachment selection, irrelevant if chatSelectedAttachmentErrorBackground is customized
chatSelectedAttachmentErrorBackgroundStrokeColorColorStroke color for error during attachment selection; irrelevant if chatSelectedAttachmentErrorBackground is customized
chatSelectedAttachmentTextHorizontalPaddingDimensionVertical padding for section with selected document or error
chatSelectedAttachmentFontFamilyStringFont family for text in selected document or error section
chatSelectedAttachmentTextSizeDimensionText size for text in selected document or error section
chatSelectedAttachmentDocumentTextColorReference or colorText color for text in selected document section
chatSelectedAttachmentErrorTextColorReference or colorText color for text in error section
chatSelectedAttachmentIconSizeDimensionIcon size in selected document or error section
chatSelectedAttachmentIconMarginDimensionIcon margin in selected document or error section
chatSelectedAttachmentDocumentIconReferenceIcon in the selected document section; color is inherited from text
chatSelectedAttachmentErrorIconReferenceicon in the error section; color is inherited from text
chatSelectedAttachmentUploadProgressColorColorBackground color of uploading attachment progress
chatSelectedAttachmentUploadCompleteProgressColorColorColor of the uploading attachment completed progress

Select attachment

The following table displays the attributes of the attachments that the user can select:

chatSelectAttachmentCameraReferenceIcon for camera attachment selection option
chatSelectAttachmentGalleryReferenceIcon for gallery attachment selection option
chatSelectAttachmentDocumentsReferenceIcon for documents attachment selection option

KM articles

The following figure illustrates the attributes of KM articles in Web Messaging:
KM articles in an Android application
KM articles in an Android application
chatMessageArticleItemContainerHeight dimension Height of the KM Article Container
chatMessageArticleItemBackground reference|color Background for the KM Article
chatMessageArticleItemBackgroundColor color Background color for KM Article
chatMessageArticleItemBackgroundBorderColor color Background Border color for KM Article
chatMessageArticleItemTextColor color Color of the KM Article label text
chatMessageArticleItemTextFontFamily string Font-family used for the KM Article label
chatMessageArticleItemTextSize dimension Font size of the KM Article label
chatMessageArticleItemUrlIcon reference Icon displayed after KM Article text
chatMessageArticleItemTextIcon reference Icon used only with KM Articles with a preview.
chatMessageArticleItemIconTint color Color of the Icon.

KM articles preview

The following figure illustrates the attributes of KM articles in Web Messaging:
Preview of KM articles in an Android app
Preview of KM articles in an Android app
chatMessageArticlePreviewBackground Reference Background XML file for the KM Article Preview
chatMessageArticlePreviewPadding Dimension Padding for the KM Article Preview
chatMessageArticlePreviewCloseButtonSize Dimension Size for the close button
chatMessageArticlePreviewCloseButtonIcon Reference Close button icon
chatMessageArticlePreviewTitleTextSize Dimension KM Article title text size
chatMessageArticlePreviewTitleTextFontFamily String Font size of the KM Article label
chatMessageArticlePreviewBodyTextSize Dimension KM Article body text size
chatMessageArticlePreviewBodyTextFontFamily String KM Article body text font
chatMessageArticlePreviewTextColor Color KM Article body text color

Action menu

The following figure illustrates the attributes of the action menu in Web Messaging:
Action menu in an Android app
Action menu in an Android app
chatMenuTextSize Dimension Font size for the menu text
chatMenuTextColor Color Font Color for the menu text
chatMenuTextFont String Font style for the menu text
chatMenuBackgroundColor Color|Reference Background color used for the menu
chatMenuBorderMargin Dimension Border margin used for the menu

Chat Dialog

The following figure illustrates the attributes of chat dialog in the Web Messaging:
Chat dialog in an Android app
Chat dialog in an Android app
chatDialogBackgroundColor Color Background color used for the Dialog
chatDialogHeaderBackgroundColor Color Background color for the header
chatDialogTextSize Dimension Text size of the dialog message
chatDialogTextColor Color Text color of the dialog message
chatDialogTextFontFamily String Font family for the dialog message
chatDialogButtonTextSize Dimension Text size of the dialog action buttons
chatDialogButtonTextColor Color Text color of the dialog action buttons
chatDialogButtonTextFontFamily String Font family of the dialog action buttons
chatDialogTitleTextFontFamily String Font family of the dialog title text
chatDialogTitleTextSize Dimension Text size of the dialog title
chatDialogTitleTextColor Color Text color of the dialog title

String customization

You can customize or translate the strings used in the chat by overriding the defined strings. Number of arguments must remain same.

You can update the Strings.xml file in your project to override the default values.

<string name="chat_input_hint">Type a massage</string>
<string name="chat_typing_footer">%s is typing…</string>
<string name="chat_now">Just now</string>
<string name="chat_attachments">Attachments</string>
<string name="chat_send">Send</string>
<string name="chat_scroll_down">Scroll to latest message</string>
<string name="chat_new_message">New message</string>
<string name="chat_attachment_select">Select an action you want to perform</
<string name="chat_attachment_incorrect_contenttype">Failed to upload - file
type not allowed.</string>
<string name="chat_attachment_incorrect_size">Failed to upload - Exceeded
max file size %s.</string>
<string name="chat_attachment_camera">Camera</string>
<string name="chat_attachment_gallery">Gallery</string>
<string name="chat_attachment_documents">Documents</string>
<string name="chat_attachment_preview">Attachment preview</string>
<string name="chat_item_description">%s • %s</string>
<string name="chat_item_delivered_status">Delivered</string>

Handling new messages when the chat is not active

When customers can no longer see the chat in an app, and they receive a new message with the intent, the system broadcasts the NEW_MESSAGE_ACTION action for the application package. The BroadcastReceiver register, for example, can handle the new message for a proper action.

class MyReceiver : BroadcastReceiver() 
    override fun onReceive(context: Context, intent: Intent) 
        val message = intent.newMessage() 
        /* Handle new message, e.g show notification */ 

You can use the Intent.newMessage() extension method to obtain a new message in an instance of the NewMessage class, as shown in the following Java code:

data class NewMessage( 
    val messageId: String, 
    val authorName: String, 
    val text: String, 
    val attachment: Attachment? = null 
) { 
    data class Attachment( 
        val name: String, 
        val mimeType: String, 
        val size: Long 

Methods and callbacks

Pega Mobile Messaging SDK provides you with the following methods and callbacks for your Android app in the 8.7.2 version.

End session method

This feature allows the app using the Mobile Messaging SDK to call the end chat session method and close the currently open chat session on user request.

Android Implementation

endSession () function is available in Chat Fragment or ChatView. 

Calling from Chat Fragment

this. endSession ()  

Calling from parent Activity

(supportFragmentManager.findFragmentById( as ChatFragment). endSession () 

Or If you are using ChatView to initialize the SDK 

(findViewById<ChatView>( endSession () 

Chat Transcript Method

This feature allows the app using the Mobile Messaging SDK to initiate a chat transcript download inside the SDK on user request.

Android Implementation

downloadTranscript () function is available in Chat Fragment. 

Calling from Chat Fragment: 

this. downloadTranscript ()  

Calling from parent Activity: 

(supportFragmentManager.findFragmentById( as ChatFragment). downloadTranscript () 

Or If you are using ChatView to initialize the SDK 

(findViewById<ChatView>( downloadTranscript () 

Show menu

This feature allows the app using the Mobile Messaging SDK to open menu on the user request.

Android Implementation

openMenu () function is available in Chat Fragment. If Menu is already presented, openMenu () will close the menu. 

Calling from Chat Fragment: 

this. openMenu ()  

Calling from parent Activity: 

(supportFragmentManager.findFragmentById( as ChatFragment). openMenu () 

Or If you are using ChatView to initialize the SDK 

(findViewById<ChatView>( openMenu () 

AuthTokenProvider Callback

This callback is used to provide a signed JWT authentication Token to the SDK for validating the Customer ID and setting up a chat session.
Note: Avoid passing any reference of the Chat Fragment to authToken callback. Because the ChatConfiguration object has longer lifecycle than the Chat Fragment, once the Chat Fragment is destroyed, this might cause memory leaks.

Android Implementation

override fun configuration() = ChatConfiguration( 
    apiUrl = "…", 
    apiId =”…”, 
    customerToken = "…", 

   // sessionIdCallback is optional 
    sessionIdCallback = "...” 



// Inside the ApiService 

suspend fun getAuthToken() :String{ 
 	// Network call to request authToken 



override fun configuration() = ChatConfiguration( 
    apiUrl = "…", 
    apiId =”…”, 
    customerToken = "…", 

   // sessionIdCallback is optional 
    sessionIdCallback = "...”, 

     authToken = apiService:: getAuthToken 

// Inside the ApiService 

suspend fun getAuthToken() :String{ 
 	// Network call to request authToken 


Session ID Callback

This callback is used to provide a signed JWT authentication Token to the SDK for validating the Customer ID and setting up a chat session.
Note: Avoid passing any reference of the Chat Fragment to authToken callback. Because the ChatConfiguration object has longer lifecycle than the Chat Fragment, once the Chat Fragment is destroyed, this might cause memory leaks.

Android Implementation

override fun configuration() = ChatConfiguration( 
    apiUrl = "…", 
    apiId =”…”, 
    customerToken = "…", 
    authToken = “...” 
   // sessionIdCallback is optional 
    sessionIdCallback = apiService::onSessionIdReceived 

fun onSessionIdReceived(id: String) { 
 Log.d("Session ID", "Session ID received $id") 
  • Previous topic Setting up Mobile Messaging SDK connection
  • Next topic Mobile Messaging SDK configuration in your iOS app project


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