Pega Express best practice Change Management
The Pega Express™ best practice of Change Management refers to the discipline, processes, and strategies dedicated to managing the people side of change.
What is Change Management?
Our clients have a plethora of change management theories and approaches available to them to support organizational change, each approach has its specialty areas to address change management from that perspective. These models aim to ensure that the change accompanying the launch of new application and/or business process is effectively delivered and becomes embedded into the operation's working practices. Ultimately, the goals of change management are to reduce the risk associated with implementing change into an organization and to ensure new ways of working are positively received and adopted by the organization and its customers.
Whilst there are many different change management approaches, typically they include the following common best practices:
- Ensuring that the change has visible sponsorship in the organization
- Ensuring that people understand the value of the change
- Establishing a communication strategy that allows for feedback
- Providing training for users adopting new ways of working and skills
In the context of a new Pega implementation, creating a technical transformation through a new Pega application is not enough. To achieve the business outcomes associated with the technical transformation, the release of the application needs to be accompanied by client-led change management efforts to embed the new process and solution into the organization
What is the value of Change Management?
For organizations implementing a new Pega solution, the Pega Express delivery approach includes best practices to design and build the application from a human-centered point of view. Through collaboration, our approach goes a long way to support higher adoption levels of new application and corresponding benefits realization. Applications, however, enable achieving business outcomes. You need to ensure that the governing business program, including the business and technology workstreams change, makes provisions for integrating the people side of change.
When does Change Management take place?
Change management starts at the beginning of the project and works in tandem throughout the transformation to support the people side of change. Clients typically implement and manage Change Management.
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