Dispatched and undispatched route schedules
Pega Route Service supports dispatched and undispatched routes in the Pega Route Service Dispatcher portal. A dispatched route is a route schedule in which work orders are dispatched to a field worker to complete service tasks at configured customer locations. An undispatched route is a route schedule that is not yet validated by the dispatcher and instantiated into work orders.
These routes are displayed as Dispatched routes and Undispatched routes tabs next to the Unscheduled work orders tab in the Pega Route Service Dispatcher portal.
Operations on udispatched routes
On the Undispatched routes tab, you can complete the following tasks:
- Access the undispatched route schedules for all service territories that are associated with the customer. The listed route schedules are displayed based on the selected date, work week (Monday to Friday), week, and the saved filter that you select on the Dispatcher portal.
- Select, validate, and dispatch an undispatched route schedule. For more information, see Validating and dispatching route schedules.
Operations on dispatched routes
On the Dispatched routes tab, you can complete the following tasks:
- Access the dispatched routes schedules for all service territories that are associated with the customer. The listed route schedules are displayed based on the selected date, work week (Monday to Friday), week, and the saved filter.
- View the route plan in a read-only window after clicking the route name.
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