MACD Component
MACD component is optional component built on Pega Foundation for Communications application. It consists of two modules.
- Delta calculation:
Delta calculation utility is to compare the current product holdings of a customer and newly selected products as part of the Customer retention journey.
Delta will give the action taken at each offer/product level as Add, Change, Keep or Disconnect.
Based on the Action identified by the Delta utility JSON request for fulfillment will be created dynamically.
- MACD Order JSON mapping:
This component holds class structure, data model and mapping data transforms to create JSON Order items as per TMForum Open API 622 Product Ordering API, from the results of above Delta Utility. Currently it supports New and Change order.
As it’s an optional component, once PFCMACD component is imported, it can be plugged in to the implementation layer from components section of the implementation application rule.
For rule level details please find below table.
- Delta calculation:
Rule name Availability Class Ruleset significance ChangeOrderDelta Final PegaComm- PegaCM-MACD To initiate Delta calcualtion between customer current and To-be product holdings as part of change order request. SetListOfAllSpecs Final PegaComm- PegaCM-MACD As part of delta calculation, to copy all specs under CurrenProdtholdings into CurrentAllSpecs Page and to copy all specs under ToBeProdtholdings into ToBeAllSpecs Page. SetActionsInToBeProductHoldings Final PegaComm- PegaCM-MACD This data transform will compare both CurrentProductHoldings & ToBeProductHoldings and set the "Action" for PO/PS records of ToBeProdHoldings with value as Add/Change/Keep. SetActionsInCurrentProductHoldings Final PegaComm- PegaCM-MACD This data transform will compare both CurrentProductHoldings & ToBeProductHoldings and set the "Action" property value as Disconnect/Keep at each page level of Current holdings i.e Offer/Spec. SetOfferActions Final PegaComm-Data-ProductABE-ProductOffering PegaCM-MACD This data transform will compare matching offer ids from CurrentProductHoldings & ToBeProductHoldings and set the "Action" for PO records of ToBeProdHoldings with value as Add/Change/Keep. SetSpecActions Final PegaComm-Data-ProductABE-ProductOffering PegaCM-MACD This data transform will compare each spec in ToBeProductHoldings with matching spec from "CurrentAllSpecs" pagelist and set the "Action" for PS records of ToBeProdHoldings with value as Add/Change/Keep. CheckConfigurationChanges Final PegaComm-Data-ProductABE-ChildSpecs PegaCM-MACD This data transform will compare configurations of each current and New spec and set the "Action" for PS records of ToBeProdHoldings with value as Add/Change/Keep. ChangeOrderDeltaExtension Available,Extension PegaComm- PegaCM-MACD Extension point for extending change order delta calculation functionality pyHiddenPropertiesToIgnore Available baseclass PegaCM-MACD To skip the properties that are not required for product holdings comparison in change order process. pyHiddenPropertiesToIgnore Available PegaComm-Data-ProductABE-ProductOffering PegaCM-MACD To skip the properties for comparision at Product offering level pyHiddenPropertiesToIgnore Available PegaComm-Data-ProductABE-ProductSpecification PegaCM-MACD To skip the properties for comparision at product/spec level - MACD Order JSON mapping:
Rule name Availability Class Ruleset significance GenerateProductOrder Final PegaComm- PegaCM-OrderRequest To generate product order JSON request for fulfillment request. GenerateOrderItems Final PegaComm- PegaCM-OrderRequest To generate Order Items for a Change Order process. It takes Delta output of current product holdings & To be product holdings of a customer as input. InitiateOfferOrderItem Final PegaComm-Data-ProductABE-ProductOffering PegaCM-OrderRequest To initiate Order item generation process for an Offer. GenerateOfferOrderItem Final PegaComm-Int-Order-ProductOrderItem PegaCM-OrderRequest To generate Order Item in Change Order JSON request for an Offer. InitiateSpecificationOrderItems Final PegaComm-Data-ProductABE-ProductOffering PegaCM-OrderRequest To initiate Order items generation process for Specifications of an Offer. GenerateSpecOrderItem Final PegaComm-Int-Order-ProductOrderItem PegaCM-OrderRequest Data transform to generate an order item for a Specification SetOrderItemSpecDetails Final PegaComm-Int-Order-ProductOrderItem PegaCM-OrderRequest To set specification level details of an Order item for a Specification in Change Order process. SetOfferToOfferRelationship Final PegaComm- PegaCM-OrderRequest To set the Order item relationship between a Bundle offer and it’s child offers. SetOfferToSpecRelationship Final PegaComm-Data-ProductABE-ProductSpecification PegaCM-OrderRequest To set the Order item relationship and Product relationship between an Offer and it’s associated Specifications. SetOtherOIInformation Available,Extension PegaComm-Int-Order-ProductOrderItem PegaCM-OrderRequest Place holder to set extra info like Workparty, Location, Appointment, Price etc in consuming apps at Order Item level. SetProductOrderInformation Available,Extension PegaComm-Int-Order-PORequest PegaCM-OrderRequest Place holder to set extra info like Workparty, Location, Appointment, Price etc in consuming apps at Order level.
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