Product offer compatibility rules
During proposal and sales process, it is necessary that all required and compatible product offers are selected and sold together so that there are no order fallout later during fulfillment. Using product offer compatibility feature, a product manager can define the dependent or conflicting products for a base offer.
Include and exclude rules define compatibility rules among product offers. This feature is primarily used to define add-ons and promotional offers for a base offer. The product manager can edit the compatibility rule of a published offer without creating a new version of the product offer.
This feature enables product managers to group the rules to form a logical string using “AND” and “OR” logical operator. For example: “HBO HD” product offer should be sold with either “HD TV service” product offer or “Premium HD TV Service” offer. So, using this feature, a product manager can define logic string with “OR” operator for HD TV and Premium HD TV Service offers.
Product managers can use advance condition builder to define Product offer compatibility rules. Advance Condition Builder relies on Pega Platform decision rules to control the authoring and execution. Coupled with Data Access Functions, Product Manager can define any complex logic across the Product hierarchy using the Advanced Conditional Builder feature. Product catalog providing a function “isOfferCompatible (OfferID)” to define compatibility in advance mode.
The rules defined for product offer are validated in the application to avoid any duplicate and conflicting rules.
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