Pre-configured data types
The Pega Foundation for Financial Services provides a comprehensive financial services data model with many pre- configured Data Types and Data Pages for commonly used data objects that can be leveraged in your application.
The 3 types of data are included:
- Sample
Represents Customer and Accounts data to simulate implementor's system of record for testing and demo purposes. Changes frequently over time.
- Reference
Used to classify and categorize party (customer) data. Data is static or changes slowly over time.
- Application Transaction
Used to drive the flow and events within a case to completion. Data changes frequently over time.
Data Classes:
Pega Foundation for Financial Services data classes are located under PegaFS-Data.
The following diagram highlights the key data types:
For additional information on all available data types and entity relationships, refer to the PegaFoundation for Financial Services Data Dictionary on the Pega Foundation for Financial Services productpage.
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