Adding requirements
To add Requirements to a Requirement Set, click Add Requirements under the Requirements section of the Requirement Set screen. The following dialog box opens:
Users can view each page of Requirements, selecting one or more Requirements from the list. Use the Filter by field to filter the search results.
Once Requirements have been added to the Requirement Set, they appear on the main Requirement Set screen. To configure how these Requirements are handled at runtime, click the Configuration icon () for the desired Requirement. A warning triangle () indicates that users should review the Requirement configuration settings. The warning no longer appears once the configuration settings have been accessed.
The following figure shows the available configuration options for a Requirement within a Requirement Set. The fields include tooltips that explain each field.
- Applies-When - A When rule used to determine whether a Requirement is generated.
- Routing activity - An activity to route the Requirement to a workbasket or worklist at runtime based on specific case data.
- Overall SLA Activity - Defines an overall SLA on this Requirement.
- Stale Date Activity - Once a requirement becomes stale, certain processing can be allocated using this activity.
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