Loading MedDRA code set files
The Foundation supports the intake of all MedDRA files including base and change files.
MedDRA consecutive release files contain only records that have changed since the last MedDRA release. Each file consists of records containing a version date for the new release and an action code designating that the record was either “A” – added, “D” – removed, or “M” – modified.
Below is the list of standard Base and Change files:
Base File | Change file |
hlgt.asc | hlgt.seg |
hlgt_hlt.asc | hlgt_hlt.seq |
hlt.asc | hlt.seq |
hlt_pt.asc | hlt_pt.seq |
llt.asc | llt.seq |
mdhier.asc | mdhier.seq |
pt.asc | pt.seq |
soc.asc | soc.seq |
soc_hlgt.asc | soc_hlgt.seq |
Below is the list of file listeners:
File Listener For base files | File name | File Listener For Change files | File name |
SOCBase | Soc.asc | SOCChange | Soc.seq |
MDHIERBase | Mdhier.soc | MDHIERChange | Mdhier.seq |
LLTBase | Llt.asc | LLTChange | Llt.seq |
PTBase | Pt.asc | PTChange | Pt.seq |
HLT_PTBase | Hlt_pt.asc | HLT_PTChange | Hlt_pt.seq |
HLTBase | Hlt.asc | HLTChange | Hlt.seq |
HLGTBase | Hlgt.asc | HLGTChange | Hlgt.seq |
HLGT_HLTBase | Hlgt_hlt.asc | HLGT_HLTChange | Hlgt_hlt.seq |
SOC_HLGTBase | Soc_hlgt.asc | SOC_HLGTChange | Soc_hlgt.seq |
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