Segments and properties
Each data element in a segment results in a property defined in the class for that segment. Refer to the X12 EDI standards documentation for a complete list of all the segments and their data elements (classes and properties). Some of the properties for an 837 message are discussed here for illustration purposes.
This diagram is a data element diagram taken from the X12 EDI standards documentation showing the data segments in the NM1 segment. The NM1 segment holds the individual or organization name. The first data element, NM101 Entity ID Code, identifies how this name will be used. For example, a value of “40” identifies this as the name of the Receiver of the transaction. The second data element, NM102 Entity Type Qualifier, determines if this name is for an individual or an organization. A value of “1” is a person and a value of “2” is a non-person.
The data element for the NM1 segment in the diagram results in the creation of the following properties in the NM1_IndividualOrOrganizationalName class.
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