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Updated on April 23, 2021

To create an appointment and synchronize it with Exchange, the logged in user’s Exchange account must be impersonated by an impersonation account. Pega Foundation for Healthcare uses the impersonation account to create appointments on behalf of all the application’s users. Only one impersonation account needs to be created and can be used to impersonate as many exchange accounts as necessary.

Impersonation enables the caller to perform operations by using the permissions that are associated with the impersonated account, instead of the permissions that are associated with the caller's account. With Exchange Impersonation, one account acts as another account. When an account is impersonated, the system logs the access as if the account that is specified in the header were acting on the system. The calling account must have the appropriate permissions to perform impersonation. After impersonation permissions have been established, the user who has impersonation permissions can make calls against the other user's account. The impersonated account is maintained in the Authentication Profile (“EWS_Integration_AuthProfile”).

Work with your Exchange administrator to set up impersonation for your version of Microsoft Exchange.

To establish impersonation, configure the following rules:

EWS_Integration_AuthProfileAuthentication ProfileAuthentication required by remote service
EWS_Integration_SecurityProfileSecurity ProfileWS-Security to communicate with the service. Would require changing the key store referred to by the security profile.

All the connector rules and the exchange integration infrastructure can be found in the PegaHC-EWS ruleset.

The Foundation also provides reference workflows to create an Appointment, Add Participants, Update an Appointment, and Cancel an Appointment.

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