Create agent
To create agents or agencies, use the Create Agent and Create Agency buttons in the top right corner of the Agent/Agency Management screen.
When you click Create Agent, the Collect Agent Information screen collects agent details and persists them in the IIF_Agent database table. The agent details include: personal information, the corresponding agency, and license information.
An IntakeAgentDetails flow action of the PegaIns-Data-Party-Person-Agent class has a SaveAgentInformationWrapper post-processing activity of the PegaIns-Data-Party-Person- Agent class. This calls the SaveAgentInformation activity of the PegaIns-Interface-Agent class, which then processes the Agent information and saves it in the IIF_Agent (mapped to PegaIns-Interface-Agent class) database table.
To view the IntakeAgentDetails flow action, in the Dev Studio header search text field, search for and select IntakeAgentDetails. On the Flow Action page, click the Action tab.
The Wrapper activity first sets the MyTempPage of the class PegaIns-Data-Party-Person- Agent class and passes this as parameter to the SaveAgentInformation activity. The agent data is first set in MyTempPage and then transformed to the interface layer (PegaIns- Interface-Agent) to be saved in the database table.
MyTempPage is in the data layer in the clipboard structure. To view the structure, at the bottom of Dev Studio, click Clipboard.
The PageToBePersisted interface layer is saved in the database table after the transformation from the data layer above.
This SaveAgentInformation activity generates a unique Agent ID while creating a new agent, or it sets the existing Agent ID while updating an existing agent from Agent search results. The data transformation from data layer to interface layer is done by the RenormalizeAgentDetails data transform rule of the PegaIns-Interface-Agent class. Once the data is transformed to the interface layer, it is persisted in the database by the Obj- Save method.
To view the SaveAgentInformation activity, in the Dev Studio header search text field, search for and select SaveAgentInformation.
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