Adding address types to the entity details form
The Add Person and Add Business cases capture two types of addresses. To define additional contact options for an entity, add another address, for example, an office address or a home address.
To add an address to the Add Person case, in Dev Studio, search for and select the pySetFieldDefaults rule in the PegaPS-Data-Entity-Person class.
To add an address to the Add Business case, in Dev Studio, search for and select the pySetFieldDefaults rule in the PegaPS-Data-Entity-Business class.
3. To add an address to the Add Facility case, in Dev Studio, search for and select the pySetFieldDefaults rule in the PegaPS-Data-Entity-Facility class.
To add an address to the Add Vehicle case, in Dev Studio, search for and select the pySetFieldDefaults rule in the PegaPS-Data-Entity-Vehicle class.
If the address type that you want to add to the form is not defined in the AddressType data type, in the Dev Studio Explorer panel, click . On the Records tab, click the Add record link and define a new address type.
Add a step in the data transform rules for the additional address type.
For more information, see Data Transforms.
Save the modified data transform rules.
In Dev Studio, search for and select the Addresses section in the PegaPS-Data-Entity class.
Update the section to include the new address type with .AddressList(3) as page context.
For more information, see Sections.
In the Facility entity, to update the address, update the EntityLocation (PegaPS-Data-Entity) section to include the new address type with the PageContext set as .AddressList(2).
In the Vehicle entity, to update the address, update the EntityLocation (PegaPS-Data-Entity-Vehicle) section to include the new address type with the PageContext set as .AddressList(2).
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