Extending profile images
The Person, Business, Facility, and Vehicle entity home pages contain the profile image feature. For example, a Business entity that represents a particular company can have its logo as the profile image. Extend this feature to other entities to increase the customization of entity pages.
To configure how profile images are uploaded and displayed, complete the following steps.
In Dev Studio, search for and open the section rule where you want to include the image upload capability.
For example, open the PersonalInformation section.
On the Design tab, from the Layout list, drag Embedded section to the dynamic layout.
In the Section Include window, from the Page context list, select Use clipboard page.
In the Class field, enter PegaPS-Data-Image.
In the Clipboard page field, enter EntityImage.
In the Section field, enter EntityImage.
Configure where the image is displayed by performing the following actions:
Search for and open the section rule where you want to display the image.
For example, to display the image in the header of a Person entity home page, insert the control in the HeaderInformation section of the PegaPS-Data-Entity-Person class.
On the Parameters tab of the section, insert the pzLoadPulseImage control with .EntityImage.pyID in the OperatorID field.
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