Adding a field to the existing investigation details form
When conducting an investigation, you must capture a certain number of details about the case or subject.
Assume that you need to capture one more field when adding an investigation to the system. To add a field, complete the following steps:
Create the new property in the PegaPS-Data-Investigation class in the implementation layer.
Add the newly created property to the InvestigationInformation (PegaPS-Data-ICM-Investigation) section. Save as the section in the implementation layer.
Add a new property to an external organization:
Create the new property in PegaPS-Data-Entity-Business.
Add the newly created property in the AddOrganizationsList (PegaPS-Data-ICM-Investigation) section by adding a column in the table.
To configure mobile view, add the newly created property in the OrganizationDetails (PegaPS-Data-Entity-Business) section.
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