Adding a field to the existing subject details form
To capture more details when adding a subject to the system, complete the following steps.
Add a new subject type.
Add the new entity type as a record in the option map with the Field name/Group value set as Other SubjectType.
Save as the SetICMEntityClass data transform in the implementation layer.
Create a when rule, for example, IsPerson, and add another step for the new entity.
Update the .ICMEntity page to update the class with the new entity class name.
Save as the ICMEntityDetails (PegaPS-Data-ICM-Entity) section to the entity class and update it with the properties that need to be captured when creating the subject.
- Optional:
Capture a generic property as the subject of any entity type:
Create the new property in the PegaPS-Work-ICM-Subject class in the implementation layer.
Add the created property to the AddSubject (PegaPS-Work-ICM-Subject) section.
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