Adding a new list item
Update an existing list of items with new items.
Add a new list item, for example, SubsidiaryList and persist it.
In Dev Studio, to add a new list item, create a data type Subsidiary in the PegaDATA database and have the following properties pyID (Primary key), EntityID, and EntityType.
Add other properties related to subsidiary like subsidiary name, incorporated date, and so on.
In the Business data type (PegaPS-Data-Entity-Business), create a field.
In the Field name box, enter SubsidiaryList.
In the Type list, select Embedded data.
In the Data object list, select Subsidiary.
Click Submit.
Update the PersitEmbeddedPage (PegaPS-Data-Entity-Business) activity with a new step looping the SubsidiaryList property and invoke the activity SaveObject by passing the EntityID and EntityType parameters similar to CommList.
Create a UI to capture the subsidiary details so that they persist after you enter the data.
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