Adding properties to market analysis forms
Market analysis is a step in the procurement process where market analysts collect details about the procurement, vendors, and market trends and attach that information to cases. The application collects information about the attachment, such as description or date. To capture additional information, add more properties. For example, to collect the analysis directly in the system, add a field for the analysis.
In the Dev Studio Explorer panel, click App. In the search field, enter PegaPS-Data-MarketAnalysis.
Right-click the class and create a property for the information that you want to add.
For example, Analysis.For more information about creating properties, see Properties - Completing the Create, Save As, or Specialization form.
Search for and open the Add section of the PegaPS-Data- MarketAnalysis class.
Add the new property to the section.
For more information about modifying sections, see Sections.
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